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1:48 AM, Sunday March 24th 2024

Hey there, I'm Meta and I'll be your TA today, so let's get started.


Starting with your superimposed lines, you're doing a great job lining your pen up with the starting point and executing your lines confidently. There are a couple of instances with the shorter lines where you do seem to be drawing a bit less confidently - possibly struggling to engage your shoulder. This does seem to clear up almost completely as your progressed through to the ghosted lines and planes exercises which are looking remarkably smooth and confident.


Onto your tables of ellipses and these are off to a great start. Your linework is remarkably confident, you've selected a good variety of shapes and sizes of ellipses to practice, and you've kept them squeezed up tight against each other. Well done overall on this exercise.

Next your ellipses in planes are looking good, you've made clear attempts to hit the four sides of the plane while remaining confident and not over-focusing on accuracy. I did notice that you started drawing through your ellipses a few more times here and occasionally a bit more than necessary - the 2-3 times that you did in the tables of ellipses was perfect, so try to stick to that, moving forward.

Finally, your funnels are looking really good. You've done a great job of lining the ellipses up with the minor axis. There's a few very minor spots where it skews off but it's good to see you pushing the exercise with widing the degree as you move out as well.


A quick note on your plotted perspective - you may have noticed some of the back lines of your boxes are not vertical - this can happen when there's slight inaccuracies in the lines used to plot the front of the box not going back to the exact vanishing point drawn. Something to keep in mind, as you will encounter this again.

Onto your rough perspective and you've made fairly successful efforts to keep the horizontals parallel and verticals perpendicular to the horizon line, though distinctly struggled with the rear plane moreso than the front. You've correctly applied the line extensions and your perspective lands in a pretty good margin of error.

Your rotated boxes are off to a good start - you're keeping the gaps between the boxes tight and consistent, which has given you good cues about where to place the next one. You didn't quite manage to capture the full range of rotation, tending to follow the vanishing point of the box you previously put down, however this exercise is intended only as an introduction to certain concepts you will explore further throughout the course.

Finally, you're getting a good amount of variation in the size and rotation of your boxes in the organic perspective exercise which is starting to create a sense of depth in each frame. I like that you were quite bold with overlapping the boxes to push that sense of depth and also that you carefully hatched one of the faces of each box. Really nice. The boxes themselves are diverging a bit in places, however like the previous exercise, this one is simply an introduction to the concepts you'll explore in depth in the 250 box challenge.

Next Steps:

Feel free to move onto the 250 box challenge.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
10:23 PM, Sunday March 24th 2024

Hello Meta,

Thank for your kind critique! This motivates me to keep going. Have a nice evening :)


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