250 Box Challenge

10:33 PM, Thursday December 22nd 2022

250 Boxes - Google Drive

250 Boxes - Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13YnhUhu4fn5_M097KYiFcpRpBh9Q_Y9K?usp=sharing


At last, I've finished my 250 boxes! I was going strong over the summer, but may progressed was significantly slowed by the start of school and health issues around Box #218. I appreciate any feedback I can get and definitely feel I made the most progress in the first 150 boxes.

2 users agree
1:48 PM, Monday January 2nd 2023

Hello! Your pizza shall be delivered soon, but I'm here to critique your boxes today. Before doing so, great job on completing the 250 Box Challenge! Tis' the most infamous part of Drawabox, and by getting through it you've proved to have the resolve required to finish the course and the determination of an artist.

Your Lines look awesome. They're confident, smooth, straight and only minor and occasional wobbling, hesitation or arching can be perceived. It's clear you're using your shoulder and prioritizing confidence over accuracy, and there was visible improvement on all of those matters by the time you finished the challenge. Your only real issue is that you sometimes repeat your lines, which should NEVER be done throughout all of Drawabox, but that's nitpicky.

For the most part, you applied Line Weight and Hatching correctly in all of your boxes, and since those are optional, you get extra points. Your line weight is rather innaccurate, and for that I suspect you might not be making use of the Ghosting Method thoroughly enough for that matter, but other than that it'll improve with practice.

Your Box Construction is excellent, and there isn't much to point out. You've done a wide variety of boxes with a wide variety of foreshortening, with mostly correct extension lines and visible improvement in figuring out the convergence of lines. That's the meat of the challenge, so good job!

Overall, you did an outstanding job. I'm happy to mark this submission as complete. You're demonstrated to be ready for Lesson 2. If you want to try them out, you can also check out the advanced box exercises. Best of luck!

Next Steps:

Lesson 2.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
6:37 PM, Monday January 2nd 2023

I appreciate the critique and am excited to move on to Lesson 2. I will make sure to check myself before I redraw a line and ghost more thoroughly when applying line weight in the future.

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