Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants
5:01 PM, Friday April 5th 2024
Hello! That is Lesson 3 done.
- I have a very small question about how would you specifically "construct" the branches or even organic forms that bend in space (like a C curve, facing towards the viewer, so the closest part overlaps the furthest part). The issue is that drawing through forms there seems strange to me because you. For the sace of clarification I would add another page, because the way i had tried to explain may be insufficient...
So the lines are not going necessarily touching the boundaries of ellipses in a single continuous(though built-up) stroke, so how do I best draw them, and how would you tackle this, the same goes with the organic forms, for example I had difficulties with organic intersections exercise, because the instructions clearly state that i must draw through forms, but... do I really must in such a case, as it would turn those organic forms more into bent boxes with define planes (I defined them with color, hope it is visible on that demo-page) (otherwise you cannot really draw through forms), or i just do not understand...
- And the second small question, how should I deal with plants with too much of leaves concentrated in one space (like those lily pads on the page 5)?
Thank you very much in advance, appreciate the Lesson!