Can`t post homework for Lesson 5 (Invalid URL)

10:43 AM, Wednesday June 19th 2024

Hello, experiencing trouble of putting out homework for Lesson 5, there is imgur post down there with screenshots of the problem and the URL, which is of course valid and works... Help please :D

The url with the error:

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7:19 PM, Wednesday June 19th 2024

Honestly that's pretty strange - my only thought is that imgur may not have finished processing the images you uploaded. The invalid url error comes up when the link isn't able to generate a preview/thumbnail, though I've tried the same link you were inputting ( and it seems to be working currently. So my only thought is that it was temporarily not finished processing.

Can you try putting it through again?

7:45 AM, Thursday June 20th 2024

Hello, yeah, that is pretty strange... it does not work still, sadly :(

7:48 AM, Thursday June 20th 2024

I would also say that it does not work with any imgur urls... like i tried that one with the error images and the result is the same, too...

7:39 PM, Thursday June 20th 2024

My immediate thoughts go to perhaps javascript being disabled in your browser, or some other browser-specific issue, as I am still not able to reproduce the bug.

In the interest of not needlessly wasting your time, I've gone ahead and submitted the link you provided previously through your account (I'm able to hijack students' accounts when I need to, to reproduce bugs and such). I checked that you had credits available and did mark it for official critique, although if that was not your intent, you'll be able to go to the submission here and cancel it if you wish.

It did submit fine on my end though, so I'm still left at something of a loss as to why it was rejecting it for you, if it's not a browser-specific problem.

9:38 AM, Friday June 21st 2024

Oh! I see, thanks for the care to post it!

I never tried another browser for some reason. All the good choices seem inevitable afterwards, but kinda could not think about it that day! Tried everything from reposting on imgur to posting it there without an account, nothing worked.

Although when I put a link to it actually generated a preview there for it, but i kinda did not submit that time thinking it was inappropriate to do so with the main and only link in the description...

Strange things happen! Thank you very much for your help and support!

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Framed Ink

Framed Ink

I'd been drawing as a hobby for a solid 10 years at least before I finally had the concept of composition explained to me by a friend.

Unlike the spatial reasoning we delve into here, where it's all about understanding the relationships between things in three dimensions, composition is all about understanding what you're drawing as it exists in two dimensions. It's about the silhouettes that are used to represent objects, without concern for what those objects are. It's all just shapes, how those shapes balance against one another, and how their arrangement encourages the viewer's eye to follow a specific path. When it comes to illustration, composition is extremely important, and coming to understand it fundamentally changed how I approached my own work.

Marcos Mateu-Mestre's Framed Ink is among the best books out there on explaining composition, and how to think through the way in which you lay out your work.

Illustration is, at its core, storytelling, and understanding composition will arm you with the tools you'll need to tell stories that occur across a span of time, within the confines of a single frame.

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