how to draw for fun?!
12:50 PM, Monday February 3rd 2020
Hi, nice to meet you, I am the Platonic example of the kind of student Uncomfortable talks about in Lesson 0 who, every time they come up with an idea or a concept, tells themselves "I'll do that when I'm ready, I'm not good enough yet".
So now I'm supposed to spend 50% of my drawing time drawing for fun, and I... don't remember how to do that? I've been sitting here for an hour trying to come up with something to draw that I could manage without having to look up tutorials and stuff and turning it into practice by accident, and I'm drawing a blank.
(There's also the problem that if I were the type of person who could go "well I can already tell this isn't going to turn out anything like I hoped, but at least I'll have done a thing!" I'd... well, I'd probably spend a lot less time with my therapist...)
So, people, do you have any advice for me? What do YOU do when you want to get back to that sense of playfulness?