Hi there! All in all I think you're doing a good job. I'm going to point out now the issues I can notice so you can keep improving, here it goes!:

Wobbly lines. Your superimposed lines are pretty good, but your ghosted lines have a bit of this mistake. In these exercises, you should always prioritize confidence over accuracy.

A wobbly line will always be worse than a confident line, no matter how off the confident line is.

If you take a look over the ghosted lines notes you'll see the levels of lines:

Level 1: Line is smooth and consistent without any visible wobbling, but doesn't quite pass through A or B, due to not following the right trajectory. It's a straight shot, but misses the mark a bit.

Level 2: Line is straight, smooth and consistent without any wobbling and maintains the correct trajectory. It does however either fall short or overshoot one or both points.

Level 3: Line is straight, smooth, consistent without any wobbling. It also starts right at one point and ends exactly at the other.

As you can see, wobbly lines aren't mentioned, which means that they would be worse than level 1.

Planning dots

You aren't drawing starting and ending dots on each line you draw. On the ghosted planes for example, there are some lines where you didn't place it. Be careful with that, as it's pretty important to apply the ghosting method.

Wobbly ellipses

Ellipses are here as well a bit wobbly. Remember that in ellipses as well as lines you should try to do them as confident as you can, don't hesitate in sacrificing accuracy to get them smoother and more confident.

On boxes I think your quality of lines decreased quite a bit. Remember here as well to apply the principle about confidence I talked about before. Draw starting and ending dots for every line you draw, and ghost it. Prioritizing confidence over accuracy.

On rotated boxes, some of your boxes weren't actually rotating, careful with that, this mistake is explained here.

And hatching looks a bit rushed. Don't forget to place the pen carefully at the start of each line