
Congrats finishing Lesson 1! I’ll be reviewing your submission and hopefully find my feedback helpful.

Superimposed Lines

  • Your lines are straight with only one end frayed. You also appeared to draw the lines confidently and from your shoulder.

  • Some of your lines are a bit wobbly but adding this exercise to your warmups can help.

Ghosted Lines

  • Your ghosted lines are straight and executed with confidence.

  • Some of them curve a bit but it will get better the more you draw. What matters right now is you drew them with confidence.

Ghosted Planes

  • Most of your lines are straight and executed with confidence. It also looked like you took your time doing the exercise with the ghosting method. Good job.

  • Adding this to your warmups will improve your accuracy.

Tables of Ellipse

  • You did a good job making the ellipse snugly next to each other and prioritizing drawing smooth and confident ellipses.

  • Some of the ellipses are a bit wobbly and overlapping, so make sure to ghost them properly.

Ellipses in Planes

  • Your ellipses are smooth and executed with confidence. You also drew through the ellipse 2-3 times. Well done.

  • You can add this to your warmups to improve accuracy.


  • Your ellipses are nicely aligned to the minor axis and cut the ellipse in 2 symmetrical halves. You also varied their degree and keep most ellipses within the funnel. Good job.

  • You fit the ellipses snugly next to each other except for the funnel on mid-right, keep the ellipses snugly and avoid leaving spaces between them. You can add this to your warmups to improve your accuracy since this exercise will be important to future lessons and it will be good practice with your ellipses.

Plotted Perspective

  • The boxes have no distortions and it looked like you understand the concept of vanishing points and horizon lines. Good job.

Rough Perspective

  • You used one point perspective and your depth lines (those that are meant to converge towards the vanishing point) were converging with the horizon line.

  • Also, good job on ghosting the lines, and making most horizontal lines parallel to the horizon and most vertical lines perpendicular to the horizon.

Rotated Boxes

  • The corners of your boxes are close to one another, you drew through the boxes, and they actually rotated. Well done.

Organic Perspective

  • I see that you ghosted most of your lines and your boxes were freely rotated in space and gets smaller the further away it gets. Well done.

Some Reminders:

  • Keep in mind that confidence takes precedence over accuracy. The more confidently you draw, the better your accuracy will increase.

  • Be patient with the exercises. You will learn much better taking your time understanding the exercises and not rushing.

  • Correcting lines that are incorrect is not a good idea. If you draw a line on top of an incorrect line, don't draw another line on top of it; instead, keep the line and move on.

  • Keep in mind the 50 percent rule. Make something for yourself as well, because this course will take a long time and you may burn out or lose motivation as a result.