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7:56 AM, Friday December 6th 2024
Hello fellow artist I'll be critiquing your work today :D
Superimposed lines:
Pretty good first off great job on making sure it doesn't fray on both sides but I would like to point out that your lines tend to wobble
Ghosted lines: again great job on the accuracy but unfortunately thats not our motive here it's the line confidents. It's a bit wobbly so I would suggest you redo just 1 page with half the lines so you can focus more on the stroke not wobbling
Ghosted planes: again really good but same issues with the lines
Tables of ellipses: really great job I can see the wobble isn't there and you execute them quite well perhaps you are more confident in circular motion? Or maybe you don't draw from your shoulder? Just some ideas to think about :D
Ellipses in planes: again really great job I have nothing to say about the ellipses
Funnels: same thing XD
Plotted perspective: honestly great job I see no issues
Rough perspective: I know it's getting annoying at this point but again the lines wobble a lot so please when executive a mark don't focus on accuracy rather focus on the line coming out straight. But I want to point out the fact you have great perspective you tend to get close to the vanishing point
Rotated boxes: amazing job you did great on this one
Organic perspective: now I would say you should redo this also and here is why:
You seem to get confused on where the box is rotating and tend to have its perspective turn out a little wonky
I'm sorry for saying again but the lines again wobble I see this hasn't improved through out your work so maybe try questioning what causes them to wobble.
Final notes and tips: you did amazing and congratulations on finishing lesson one but I would say you need to redo the ghosted lines and organic perspective and you need to work on your line confidents.
Next Steps:
I would say only do 1 page of organic perspective and 1 page of ghosted lines take your time and then reply to me so I can critique it :D
Pentel Pocket Brush Pen
This is a remarkable little pen. I'm especially fond of this one for sketching and playing around with, and it's what I used for the notorious "Mr. Monkey Business" video from Lesson 0. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.
Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.
I would not recommend this for Drawabox - we use brush pens for filling in shadow shapes, and you do not need a pen this fancy for that. If you do purchase it, save it for drawing outside of the course.