250 Box Challenge

5:31 PM, Monday July 13th 2020

250 boxes - Google Drive

250 boxes - Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/123SRPPfcPbx5-wiBirv2DU_OEqumCw1p?usp=sharing


these are my works i hope i have done them to a succesfull degree

have a great day!

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5:16 PM, Tuesday July 14th 2020

Hello, congrats on completing the challenge. I'll be looking at your submission. So starting off this is a very nice submission overall. You followed the directions very well and I am seeing some really great improvement as you worked through these boxes. You did a great job extending your lines back correctly on pretty much all of your boxes and this really helped you check your work. Your boxes are getting to the point where they are looking pretty consistently solid and while you are running into occasional convergence issues I'm not noticing any worrying trends. Still have a look at this graphic as it's always helpful to think about when drawing boxes. https://i.imgur.com/8PqQLE0.png So at your current level your improvement with your boxes is going to come much more gradually at this point and you might want to think about working some more complex exercises into your box drawing practice like rotating a box and keeping the proportions intact.

I do have some notes for you about hatching and lineweight though. Your attempts at line weight did seem to improve as your worked through these (except the last few pages which look a little rushed to be honest) pages but I have a few tips for you. When you are adding lineweight you should really try and treat it the same as any other line you would draw for this course. Ghost it multiple times and draw from the shoulder with confidence. If you are already doing that, great, keep it up. Regarding hatching you appear to be rushing it a bit (once again most evident on the last few pages) and the lack of accuracy is making the boxes look a little sloppy. Take your time with this and make it look right. Working quickly and sloppily is just going to end up with you building bad habits.

Overall this was an excellent submission. You did a great job following all the directions and produced some really quality boxes and showed a good deal of growth. I'm going to mark this as complete and good luck with lesson 2! Keep up the great job!

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
7:57 PM, Tuesday July 14th 2020

Ok i will try to go at a slower pace.

Thank you so much for you critique!

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