Hi there, I'll be handling your 250 Box Challenge critique.

Congratulations on completing the 250 box challenge, not only is it a challenge for your drawing abilities but it also shows your dedication towards learning and improving, be proud of yourself and how far you've come so far.

You've definitely improved over the course of the challenge, your line work is looking more confident and tidy and your convergences towards vanishing points have become more consistent as well.

There are a few things you can continue to work on in the future. You tend to have a lot of empty page space left over I'd recommend drawing a bit larger as it can help you see the effects of your decision making when drawing lines a bit more as well as allow you to realize your mistakes a bit more clearly. While you have improved there are moments where your lines converge in pairs rather than as an entire set and this throws your convergences in each set of lines. As long as you remember to focus on the fact that each line is a part of the entire set and they should all converge to a single point you'll continue to become more consistent as time goes on. You may find this example helpful, it shows the relation between each line in a set and how they behave as they move to a single vanishing point.

I'm glad to see you included a variety of orientations and foreshortening in your box choices. Your line weight is applied tidily as well and it's good to see you experimenting with it, we'll be using it more in the upcoming lessons.

Overall this was a solid submission, your boxes aren't perfect but we don't expect them to be and neither should you, the important fact is that they're more consistent and your understanding of 3D space is developing. I'll be marking your submission as complete and moving you on to lesson 2, keep practicing previous exercises as warm ups and good luck! (With the lesson as well as your degree.)