Hello, I hope you enjoy our time with Draw a Box and the community. The main problem with digital is that it's hard to know up to what point the software helped or hindered you, whether you CTRL+Z until you were satisfied with the result, but it's good that you're aware of that. Once you reach lesson 2, I hope you can do it on a fineliner on paper :)

At a glance, it does look like the software did help you quite a bit, so I won't make any remarks about that from now on. Higher resolution images would also be more helpful, 2000x1400 would've been better to really look into the details and to emulate a common paper proportion.

Lines: The fraying on the superimposed lines is nearly nonexistent, which is good. You could've used different lengths for the lines, their variation is almost nil.

On the ghosted lines, the lines themselves look good, often hitting the spot and in a few cases overshooting a bit, which isn't too bad. Again, there is very little variation in their length. It's possible to note some sort of wobble in a few lines as well, but those are rare.

For the ghosted planes, you forgot the + cross on them. The line quality here is good and there is no under or overshooting. Like in the other two exercises, you could have varied more on the sizes and also the angles. There's also plenty of empty space, but as it's digital, it's less of a worry.

Ellipses: On the table, the ellipses are very well done, properly contained and with the second and third passes being very close to the first one. My recommendation is to always aim to close the initial point, so there's no "open wire", so to speak.

On the planes, the ellipses touch all four edges on the majority of cases, which is good. There are very few where it fails by a bit, so it's no big deal.

On the funnels the ellipses are also well done, obeying the limit of the arc on most occasions. The problem here is that the center line isn't always properly centered, like in the bottom left one, so the first and last ellipses are cut differently.

Perspective: The plotted perspective is easy and you got it right. You did a good job on the rough perspective, with most lines being straight. Even if you didn't get the convergences to reach the VP, you came close to it on most occasions. My only complaint here would be, again, lack of variation.

On the rotated boxes you did an excellent job on the front faces, the rotation is well done. The back faces aren't always properly aligned with the front ones, but that's something you'll learn properly on the 250 box challenge.

The organic perspective looks well done, the boxes properly shrink as they go further away following the line for the most part. The bottom of the first page and the middle of the second are where it seems like there are some boxes that are the same size. There was no need to draw the back lines and complete the boxes, but there's no problem doing that.