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10:29 AM, Friday June 3rd 2022
Your line are not that wobbly but you tent to curve your line as as told earlier it may happen because not using shoulder pivot but one factory might also effect is when your are executing your mark your putting too much pressure on pen
Anyway I can tell you already understand the concept told in lesson 1 so continue practicing these exercises as warm up it will going to take bit time but you will improve best of luck
Next Steps:
Go and tackle 250 boxes challenge
12:45 PM, Friday June 3rd 2022
Hello again!
Earlier, when I'm doing the revision. I seem to decieve myself that I'm using my shoulder; however, in reality I'm using my elbow to pivot. I'll try to be more mindful about it. Also, you hit the mark with my problem in pressure. I did put much pressure on my pen while doing the activity, I never knew that it'll actually affect the output! I thank you for giving notice to those problems.
I can't thank you enough with all of these thoughtful feedback. But thank you a lot!!!
9:53 AM, Thursday June 2nd 2022
They are wobbly for now focus on trying to make confidence line rather than accurate line conference line are much better than accurate LINE which are wobbly as you will practice accuracy will improve over the time
And longer line have acr (trying to arch consciously to the opposite direction, it may also happen because your not useing shoulder pivot try be aware of it)
the ellipses must be drawn confidently, prioritizing confidence and smoothness,
over accuracy.
ghosted planes with ellipses.
Try not think about touching ever point for now
table of ellipses
You did do a good job
ellipses are within the boundaries, most
ellipse touching each other, without overlapping
But in some ellipses it seems like you haven't drawn through 2
BOX :-
On rough perspective,
width lines are not parallel to horizon and same for height lines
rotated boxes
It is good
Corners are closure and boxes are rotatin
organic perspective
I can see box are rotating and sense of distance is clear
Don't worry about the box construction you will tackle it in 250 box challenge
Overall the biggest problem you have is with your confident
Next Steps:
Do to 2 pages of ghosts plane and ellipse in plane
8:07 AM, Friday June 3rd 2022
Hello, Sharad! I appreciate using your time to critique my output. Yeah, you're right, I seem to glossed over trying to put confidence in most of my lines; so, I thank you for putting some sense into me! Anyway this is the link for my attempt in revamping my previous output:
Again, I thank you for your time!
How to Draw by Scott Robertson
When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.