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2 users agree
1:05 AM, Tuesday August 4th 2020

I couldn't see your "Lines" exercises, and I think they would've helped a lot in the start.

Your ghosted planes are good, but your ellipses have a lot of "draw throughs". Try to keep them to 2, not to overwhelm the lines. Some of them don't meet every side of the more extreme squares, but they are pretty good.

On your tables of ellipses, most of them don't meet the sides of the boxes, and some of them also don't meet the sides of each other. They could be more packed together.

The funnels are great, but some of the bigger ellipses are a bit wobbly. That happened to me when I was not drawing with my shoulder, since I couldn't reach the whole motion with the wrist or elbow. Check if you're using your shoulder.

The last exercises have a lot of wobbly lines, which could be from not drawing from the shoulders or trying to sort it out as you draw them. Again, the first line exercises would help a lot with that.

Great job overall, just pay attention to the minor details and your lines.

Next Steps:

I think you should try the line exercises before moving on, and then apply it to some exercises that made you feel a bit off, like the ellipses one.

Then you can move to the 250 box challenge and apply everything you learned on ghosting line in there, to improve both the line work and the perspective on the cubes.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
4:03 AM, Tuesday August 11th 2020

I agree with this critique. A few of your ellipses in the funnels missed the guidelines and lost their shape. You did a really nice job filling the various exercise pages with as many boxes as possible, not much white space. Watch those ellipses and good luck with your 250 box challenge.

7:41 AM, Wednesday September 16th 2020

Thank you so much for the review!

I somehow didn't saw the notification for the Review.

I will keep your feedback(s) in mind and try to redo the Lesson.

But I totally agree with your critique.

I actually did the "Lines" exercises but apperently I forgot to Upload them with the pictures. Totally my bad.

Again thank you very very much!

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