Hello, and welcome to drawabox. I’ll be working through your lesson 1 submission.

Starting with your superimposed lines, these are well done. They’re smooth, properly lined up at the start, and of a consistent trajectory. The ghosted lines/planes look quite confident, too, though I notice that you’ve not plotted any start/end points for the non-diagonal center lines of the planes; please do.

The ellipses look solid: you’re prioritizing the correct things. That said, be a little more mindful of the number of times you draw through them. A minimum of 2 times is required, and never more than 3. The ellipses in planes look nice and rounded, despite the temptation to distort them- nicely done. (I notice that these planes have the missing start/end points, too, good on you for catching that.) Finally, the funnels look solid, though, to fix that odd incorrect alignment, I’d perhaps spend a tiny bit longer ghosting them, not forgetting to rotate the page as necessary.

The plotted perspective exercise looks clean.

The rough perspective exercise shows some improvement throughout the set, though it has a bit to go, still. For starters, remember that each line is drawn once, and only once, regardless of how it turns out. Secondly, though you’re clearly taking your time, planning each point, to push the convergences even further, spend even longer; you’re not being timed, here, so don’t move on from one step until the next until you’re comfortable.

The rotated boxes exercise looks fairly good. It’s big, its boxes are snug (to a fault!), and properly rotating. I say to a fault, because if a line is incorrect, its neighboring edges will (by virtue of you using it as a guideline) be incorrect, too. The correct choice, then, would be to ignore them, and compensate in the right direction, but it takes some knowledge to tell that this is happening, and how to compensate. As such, this is not an error for the moment, but in case it was bothering you, don’t stress: it’s something we’ll get in to in the box challenge.

The organic perspective exercise is a little mixed. Their size/foreshortening is correct, but the automatic reinforcing (when you correct an incorrect line) makes boxes that are in the back pop to the front. In an exercise like this, where their hierarchy is in such a delicate balance, we don’t want that to happen, as it ruins their flow. So, if at all possible, try to resist the urge.