250 Box Challenge
6:53 PM, Friday September 10th 2021
More links bellow because it's 66 files and imgur is not dealing well with this amount of images:
More links bellow because it's 66 files and imgur is not dealing well with this amount of images:
Good work on tackling the 250 box challenge. It is certainly a time-consuming and difficult challenge that many people underestimate. I would like to cover the things you did well, those being how well you understood the core concepts of the lesson covered in the article, as well as the application of the previous lesson’s concepts.
One of the best ways to learn and tackle spacial problems is through experimentation. You have done an excellent job experimenting with different orientations, rates of convergence or foreshortening with both dramatic and shallow, and proportions. This helps you understand these concepts on a deeper level, so it is good to see you took into consideration these three main variables. It is thanks to this experimentation that your convergence has become more consistent towards the end of the challenge, proving you have come to grasp them well. Something else to note is the application of hatching lines and line weight. They are great tools to apply later on in future lessons. They take time to get comfortable with, so the challenge is a great place to start practicing both. About your line weight, however, I would like to mention one thing you seem to misunderstand about it, I will go over it in a bit. Finally, you have done a good job keeping your lines smooth towards the end. There is still some occasional shakiness, but they have certainly improved over time, well done applying the ghosting method and drawing from your shoulder.
For the things to improve on. Your lines are drawn confidently, but one main issue is that towards the end, you have trouble knowing where it ends. This thought makes you slow down your line marking, resulting in some bending near the end of it. To work on this, make sure you keep the speed consistent throughout the line making process to ensure consistency. This at first will cause you to over shoot, so the way we deal with this is by lifting your pen off the page right as we approach the mark to prevent any slowdown form happening that could compromise your consistency. If you are already doing this but still find some overshooting in your lines, that is fine, over time you will get better with your accuracy. Your hatching looks good, however, I believe you need to spend a little more time with it since at times it appears a bit rushed and shaky. Treat hatching lines like any other line, plan ahead, ghost to build muscle memory and keep a consistent trajectory while drawing from your shoulder. I would like to address your line weight, while good to see that you are applying it, it appears you are not applying it to the rest of the box’s silhouette. Make sure that you apply it to the outer edges of your box, as they will help reinforce the solidity of your form and also help organize your line work. Finally, your convergence still needs some work. One of the most consistent issues I see through your homework is convergence in pairs. The thing to remember is that all lines of a single set must converge towards a single point, no matter how shallow or dramatic the foreshortening, they must obey by this rule. So, here is what can be done to ameliorate this issue: https://imgur.com/8PqQLE0 This image can be hard to understand at first, but it is worth showing to students who struggle with the mistake pointed out before. What it tells us is that there is a relationship between the lines angles for one set. The inner pair of lines will be similar in angle, unless the box is too long, while the outer pair will depend on the location of the vanishing point.
So the key things to remember here is this: each pair of lines will always converge and never diverge from their respective vanishing points, and also never be completely parallel because of how perspective works. Looking through your submission, it appears you are grasping the main concepts well and just need some more work to work on improving them. I highly recommend you incorporate this exercise into your warm-ups with everything stated here in mind, including the image that shows the relationship between the lines. This is overall a solid piece of work and I think you are ready to begin tackling lesson two. Congratulations on completing the 250 box challenge. It is a major hurdle to overcome, so be proud of yourself for persevering.
Next Steps:
Lesson 2
This is a remarkable little pen. I'm especially fond of this one for sketching and playing around with, and it's what I used for the notorious "Mr. Monkey Business" video from Lesson 0. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.
Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.
I would not recommend this for Drawabox - we use brush pens for filling in shadow shapes, and you do not need a pen this fancy for that. If you do purchase it, save it for drawing outside of the course.
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