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11:21 AM, Wednesday June 3rd 2020

Oh no! Haha, oh my gosh, don't worry about it. That's actually very much okay! The fact is that you realized it and kept pushing through, which is one of the core parts of this challenge. I can see where the confusion comes from. The lines are parallel by virtue of this box being a cubic form, but not from our vantage point. If you were to view it straight on, they would be parallel. However, from our vantage point, with foreshortening, they will converge towards a vanishing point and that's a part of the illusion you'll start to internalize as you go forward.

Really nice work here though! Although you did start it out without foreshortening, your line work saw a lot of love and I can see by the end that your lines are straight, confident, and well-thought out. As for your convergences, they are honestly very nice. They consistently and evenly move towards the vanishing point and your boxes look very solid. Really nice work here!

As you go on, I recommend practicing with varying degrees of foreshortening. It's just a nice tool to have in your back pocket!

Anyway, so, I'm going to link a few extra notes - we provide them at the end of every challenge as a matter of course. They go over the angle of each set of parallel lines as they approach the box and how keeping an eye on this relationship could improve your convergences. Also, considering each line in relation to the lines with which it shares a vanishing point rather than the lines with which it shares a plane or a corner could do the same.

Next Steps:

Really nice work here! I'm going to mark this as complete and send you on to Lesson 2. Good luck!

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
4:13 PM, Wednesday June 3rd 2020

Thanks!! I reviewed that foreshortening part over again and I'll keep that in mind moving forward. I remember reading that before and not really understanding how to adjust foreshortening but now that I know how to correctly draw the boxes with convergences it's obvious haha...

This was one of those times when I THOUGHT I understand the lessons but when I was doing the challenge realized there was quite a bit I didn't understand and took a while for it to 'click'. I learned more than I thought I would doing these boxes!!

And that last paragraph with the link was super helpful as well. I was having a hard time getting my convergences all...CONVERGE correctly, most particularly the inner lines. I'll try drawing them with those relationships in mind.

My boxes still need help...but I'm most proud of how much my line quality improved and my ability to stick to the end despite how frustrating it got at times. This was really a test of patience...

Thanks again for your feedback it was super helpful!!

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