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2 users agree
3:30 PM, Tuesday October 11th 2022

Hello Kiras! I'm Starr, and I'm here to give you some feedback.

I'll start by evaluating each exercise and then give you an overall summary with steps for moving forward.


  • Superimposed Lines:

Some of your lines show some slight course-correction/ wobbliness, especially the longer ones. However, a lot of your lines are pretty smooth, and you did well at not fraying at the beginning of each line.

  • Ghosted Lines/ Planes

Your ghosted lines are very smooth and I can tell you took the time and effort to prepare for each stroke. You did well at starting your marks at their intended points, though your lines seem to mostly overshoot and miss their 2nd point slightly. I also notice some slight arching. These are only things to keep in mind and will improve as you practice.


  • Tables of Ellipses

Your ellipses are very smooth and you go through most of them 2-3 times. The ellipses where you went through 3 or more times look kind of messy, so I suggest drawing through each one only twice. Most of your ellipses have a nice, even shape. Though, there are some that are egg-shaped.

  • Ellipses in Planes

Again, your ellipses are very smooth, good work! I still notice some egg-shaped ellipses, but most are pretty even. It looks like you tend to undershoot your ellipses.

  • Funnels:

Your funnels are very neat and made with a straight/ round edge, as per the instructions of the exercise. You improved at making your ellipses an even shape, nice job! And you did will at making sure they were split evenly down the minor axis.


  • Plotted Perspective

Your lines and hatching marks are clean and you kept the converging lines hitting very close to the vanishing points. Good work!

  • Rough Perspective:

Your lines are still pretty smooth, however I notice more wobbling than what you had in your previous ghosted lines/ planes exercise. You did well at maintaining one-point perspective with your boxes. One thing I see is that you tried to correct a line in your exercise by marking it out and redoing it. Do not correct any mistakes, once a line is made, you can only move on to the next one.

  • Rotated Boxes:

I still notice some wobbling in your lines as with the last exercise. Otherwise, your lines stay neatly and snuggly together, and you have most of your boxes rotating properly. Your hatching lines are also very neat, good work. However, you forgot to draw the boxes in the far ends of your exercise. If you look at the example exercise at the bottom of the "rotated boxes" part of lesson one on the website, the outer rows should have five boxes instead of three. These are a bit trickier, so please complete your exercise by drawing these in.

  • Organic Perspective:

Your lines are much smoother than the ones of your previous boxes exercise, very nice! Some of your lines diverge from one another, but you started your boxes with the correct Y-shape. Your boxes also correctly get smaller as they recede into the distance. As I mentioned earlier, do not try and correct your lines, as I see you tried to mark out a line on the 2nd page of your exercise. It is also recommended to not leave notes on your exercise.

Overall, you showed to make your lines smooth with a quick and confident stroke using your shoulder, which is a main point of these exercises! You followed most of the instructions thoroughly, though I suggest not correcting your lines or making notes on your exercises. Your ellipses are done pretty well overall.

A suggestion that has helped me is to intentionally ghost my ellipses a little wider on the thinner end of the ones that turn out egg-shaped. This helps balance out the shape more. The shape will also just improve the more you make ellipses if you pay attention to it.

The lines of your boxes exercises tended to be more wobbly. Personally, I found these exercises more overwhelming at first, so my lines tended to be more wobbly as well. I suggest putting more focus on ghosting, which helped me slow down a bit and think through my lines more.

For your comment on organic perspective, don't worry about it being so challenging. The 250 box challenge gives you plenty of practice with converging lines and your ghosting as long as you take your time and do it to your best ability.

Next Steps:

Complete the last boxes on the Rotated Boxes Exercise and add your revisions to this thread.

Then, move on to the 250 box challenge.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
1:20 PM, Wednesday October 12th 2022

hi, thanks for the review and all the helpful tips! here is the rotated boxes exercise - i hope i didn't miss any boxes this time:D

/imgur doesn't work today for some reason so i'm sending another link this time/

12:02 AM, Thursday October 13th 2022

Nice! I believe you need 2 others to agree to my critique to officially move on, but I think you're all set for the 250 box challenge otherwise.

Good Luck!

Next Steps:

Move on to the 250 Box Challenge.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
9:19 AM, Friday October 14th 2022

thank you!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Staedtler Pigment Liners

Staedtler Pigment Liners

These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.

Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).

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