Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction

8:24 AM, Monday June 20th 2022

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Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/TQ2Fvdr.jpg

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Thank you for the critique!

I had a lot of fun with textures and the organic intersections, but form intersections was a huge struggle, I'm still not sure I got the idea.

Now I'm excited for the plants!!


2 users agree
6:15 PM, Friday July 22nd 2022

Arrows: Nice job here! It seems like you got a hang of them by the end and you pointed out all your mistakes yourself, so you know what you are doing.

Sausages: These also look very good. The only thing I can say is that with some of them, the degrees of your ellipses don’t really increase enough as they move away from the center.

It needs to look more like this: https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/061ed3b6.jpg

And not like this: https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/6822fd02.jpg

Texture analysis: It seems like you forgot this exercise, oops. It’s pretty important you do this so I am going to request you complete and submit it.

Dissections: These are great! You are not afraid to break the silhouette and to make the textures properly wrap around the forms. Good work!

Form intersections: You did very good here considering how difficult this exercise can be. The perspective of all the forms are consistent and the lines are straight and confident. The actual intersections are not perfect, but they don’t need to be perfected yet and you will get better at them with time and in later lessons.

Organic intersections: These exercises are very well done, nice work. The only thing I could say is that the shadows could adhere to the curvature of the surfaces under them more, like in this picture


Your forms already kind of do this, but they could be improved and stick the the forms of the sausages under it more then they already do.

Overall, this submission is very good and well made, nice job! All you need is the texture analysis exercise and you are good to go.

Next Steps:

Submit the texture analysis exercise from lesson, and you are good to go! nice job!

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
10:39 AM, Thursday August 4th 2022

Oh shoot, I forgot to upload the texture analysis! I did it before the dissections. Thank you for pointing it out! Here it is:


And thank you for the critique, I'm going to work on my weaknesses.

Thank you!!

4:03 PM, Thursday August 4th 2022

Nice job, the texture analysis looks pretty great! The only critique I can give here is that on the scales, the black bar on the left is a little to evident. You could make the transition from black to the texture smoother. The transition from the texture to light is very good, though

Next Steps:

Overall this was a great submission, so you can move onto lesson 3 now! Keep it up

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
4:13 PM, Thursday August 4th 2022

Thank you, you're right about that!

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