hello SIR_SQUEAKALOT you've submitted your first drawabox lesson, congratulations for getting started. i'll critique youe work now.


On the superimposed lines part you seem to be hesitating and that caused the lines to be some what wobbly, remember always execute your lines with confidence.

on the ghosted lines you did not execute the lines with confidence again, the fix is to ghost your lines until you're confident that the next line you make will come out smooth and confident. please refer back to the lesson material again and make sure to carefully read it.


Your lines are wobbly here i'd make sure to ghost every lines i made, another point i would like to make it seems that you are repeating over your mistakes, this is not good mistakes are normal and it is encouraged to highlight your mistakes so you do not make them again.


on the tables of ellipses I notice that some of the ellipses didn't touch each other and you seemed do be hesitating while doing the ellipses make sure you ghost them before you execute every mark you made this also includes ellipses

In the ellipses in planes and the funnel exercise i noticed that you seem to be repeating over your ellipses a lot going over it twice or trice should suffice anymore and it would look messy and unclear. further more in the funnel exercise you should try to make the minor axis of the ellipses stay parallel with each other.


you did well on the plotted perspective however it seems that you didn't add any hatching for the boxes, this is not that important however it makes knowing which surface is in front clearer.

on the rough perspective assignment you did well following the instructions no faults as far as i could see

on the rotating box exercise you did add abit too much line weight on the boxes going through the sihoulette 2 times should suffice

on the organic perspective you did spectacularly in describing the depth with the size of the box, the only thing i can point out is that you kept going over your mistakes to hide them, remember that mistakes are not something to be ashamed of try not to go over your mistakes next time.

Overall you did really well and i could tell that you put in alot of time into this, some people want to rush through this as fast as they could however by doing that the things they gain from this course would diminish, what you would want to work on is to make smooth and confident lines and you'll get ton's from practice doing 250 boxes good luck :)