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8:26 PM, Friday September 2nd 2022

Hey I know its been over a week, but I want to say thank you for taking the time to review my work. Making the time to get more progress done right now.

During the first 2 line exercises, other than the fact my mind was having some difficulty adjusting to drawing with the shoulder, I was using a sketchbook that was hardbound and actually eating the fine liner's ink up. I was obstinate about not using individual pieces of paper when I suddenly remembered I had 2 spiral-bound, watercolor sketchbooks that don't decimate the fine liners as much and gave way to a much more flexible drawing orientation.

Looking forward to redoing ghosted lines (in the form of ghosted planes) & super imposed lines again & again as warm-ups.

I will definitely apply what you've said about the ellipses during future warm-ups and will make sure to put in my funnel reps to get better with the consistency of axis alignment for the ellipses.

I will practice restraint in repeating lines & I will also take more time preparing future photos for future lesson submissions.

I really appreciate you not only taking the time to review my work but also acknowledging my genuine efforts while pointing out what needs to be worked on / avoided in the future.

4:24 AM, Wednesday September 7th 2022

Thank you for your kind words. It definitely helps to have others take a look at and point out the mistakes or errors that, we ourselves, may be blind to. I do feel as if I may have been a little harsh (especially on repeating certain aspects) as I don't normally critique others but I am very glad I was able to help you.

Also, don't make the mistake of needlessly repeating and grinding out exercises as I did. You'll wanna add each completed exercise you do to a pool and before you start a drawing session, pick two at random then do them for 10 - 15 minutes. As some exercises are complex, you'll complete them over the span of several sessions. I hope this helps and good luck on future lessons.

6:08 PM, Saturday September 10th 2022

Your repetition of certain aspects correlating to where I've needed to improve was not harsh in my opinion and honestly helped me to shift my focus in not repeating mistakes that rob myself of the opportunity to execute the exercises to the most beneficial extent possible.

A couple of days ago, I had completed 6 ghosted planes then did some 50% rule things afterwards. Then, the next day I saw your response here and not only did a page of superimposed lines but also did 3 more ghosted planes to fill up the page from the previous day. I can definitely see how a more complicated exercise might have to be finished across 2+ warmups (e.g. rotated boxes).

Thinking about making a big bingo board for the drawabox exercises to make it fun.

BTW I've wised up and have been using loose leaf paper, slowly but surely warmups & 250 boxes shall be completed.

Thank you for your input again.

I hope someone else gains just as much from your input (if not more) during any future critiques you may do.

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The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

While I have a massive library of non-instructional art books I've collected over the years, there's only a handful that are actually important to me. This is one of them - so much so that I jammed my copy into my overstuffed backpack when flying back from my parents' house just so I could have it at my apartment. My back's been sore for a week.

The reason I hold this book in such high esteem is because of how it puts the relatively new field of game art into perspective, showing how concept art really just started off as crude sketches intended to communicate ideas to storytellers, designers and 3D modelers. How all of this focus on beautiful illustrations is really secondary to the core of a concept artist's job. A real eye-opener.

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