Hi! I think you have a good grasp of how to wrap details and contour lines around sausage forms, and this translates to your placement of texture and details on the insects.. You also have a good sense of proportion. You space the legs accurately on the body showing an understanding of roughly where they should connect to the bug.


Your earlier drawings show some weakness in the gesture of the legs (they look splayed out and not clearly supporting weight or showing tension) but by the time you draw the red weevil, I think this aspect improves and the legs show more tension.


Maybe things like hairy textures and bumps can be suggested by a few strokes along the silhouette and areas of high contrast/transitions to shadows as opposed to all over the form. This will help the drawing look neater. I think the katydid and the orb weaver display this well, whereas page 6's spider and mantidfly may benefit from grouping darker values as opposed to spreading out texture marks. The silkworm moth on page 7 may also benefit from finer lines to suggest fuzz rather than large zigzags all over the segments, but it's good that the fur shows a clear direction. Perhaps contouring only along areas in shadow may read just as well, like the lower half of this sausage form: https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/423fe2b2.jpg

Anyway, very good work. You understand these forms well and apply surface details to them in a way that is readable and interesting.