250 Cylinder Challenge
4:09 PM, Tuesday November 2nd 2021
Really mixed opinions on this lesson and what I got out of doing it;
Just the ellipse parts were pretty good. It was immediately clear what I was doing wrong, and I could tell how to improve just after a few ellipses. Good stuff.
The ellipses-in-boxes part? Initially fun, then it became an uneducative and exhausting slog halfway through where I honestly felt like i was wasting my time.
I've written a few times where the problem comes up for me on the pages already, but it's best if I make it clear: I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong in the ellipses-in-boxes. If I aligned my ellipses to the minor axis, they can't connect to all the contact points on the sides of the boxes properly. Likewise, if I draw ellipses in the boxes that DO have properly aligned contacts points, the sides of the ellipse become skewered and unrealistic, meaning the ellipse don't align to the vanishing points.
I can't wait to get feedback for this one, because it's unfortunately been the worst lesson in an otherwise fantastic course so far for me.