Hey there, well done making it through the 250 box challenge!

You've made a good amount of improvement over the course of the challenge on a number of fronts - particularly your convergences and to a lesser extent, your line confidence. Your lines definitely get a bit straighter over the course of the challenge and it's great to see you consistently applying line weight and hatching to your boxes - your lines definitely get a bit straighter for it, but I did notice you're still applying the line weight with a slow, more laborious stroke. Don't forget that when we apply line weight, we want to do so with the same confidence as we do our original lines. You'll definitely miss the mark quite a bit at first but as with all the other Drawabox exercises, it's something that will get better with practice.

Now your convergences have improved significantly. Your boxes started off with some clear divergence going on, however with consistent correct application of your check lines, you've managed to identify where your estimation of perspective is straying and tightened that up. You've still got a few little issues with parallel lines converging in pairs rather than all four converging as one towards their shared vanishing point. You can work to correct this by thinking about how the angles of your lines relate to one another as they converge towards their shared vanishing point.