Hey, it's been a while since you've submitted this so I hope this critique will still be useful for you.


Superimposed lines: nice job keeping the fraying on one end. I see you're brave enough to try very long lines as well, though they have some wobbling going on. It may be a good idea to draw this lines a little faster, even if they don't adhere to the trajectory you want them to.

Ghosted lines: Lots of curving & wobbling going on, which is understandable since you're only this far into the course. What I do see is that you tend to go for accuracy first rather than confident, smooth strokes. Having confident, smooth strokes (whether they're straight lines like in lessons 1 & the box challenge or curving lines like in the rest of the course) is something that DAB puts heavy focus on, so get used to ghosting a lot and executing your mark confidently without being concerned about messing up. We're all here to learn =]

Ghosted planes: there's already a good deal of improvement when it comes to your linework, nicely done! At times I do still see your lines curving while they're still smooth & confident, so I suggest you try to make a conscious, slight curving motion in the opposite direction to try and compensate for the natural curving. Other than that, great attempt!


Tables of ellipses: nice variety of degrees attempted, your ellipses also look generally smooth & confident! Your ellipses aren't really uniform unfortunately, ghosting more, focusing on a somewhat circular motion with your shoulder, could help. Besides that, you'll just have to practice this a little more, possibly just focusing on one degree at the time (so start off with a page filled with only 15 degree ellipses for example).

Ellipses in planes: difficult exercise, but you've done pretty well. Your ellipses still look smooth, I guess the feedback of the previous exercise applies here as well. Once you've gotten that down, it'll be time to start gunning for touching the 4 sides of the plane!

Funnels: you've done a great job fitting the ellipses snugly between the edges of the funnels :). In general you've kept your ellipses fairly perpendicular to the funnel's minor axis :]. Next time pay special attention in keeping the minor axis line exactly in between the edges of the funnel, especially the upperleft horizontal funnel suffers because of this. Besides this, previous feedback applies.


Plotted perspective: Greatly done, you know how to rule(r)! It'd be cool to have your boxes interact/overlap a little bit and only do hatching on the visible parts when they overlap to further increase your understanding of 3D space :)

Rough perspective: Noicely done, I do see your lines curve a lot more than in the lines exercises. This is perfectly fine, and also something that will most likely see improvement as you draw a bunch (250) boxes. Good job keeping your horizontal lines fairly horizontal and your vertical lines quite vertical, that's not an easy thing to do so early on in this course!

Rotated boxes: Amazing job! You've gotten a great deal of rotation, even the boxes in the corners (the hardest ones in this exercise) look quite readable. Your lines are also starting to look much straighter than before, good job on your ghosting in general =]

Organic perspective: Great job! I see a big scale difference, no extreme foreshortening with small boxes etc. Do keep in mind that you're not supposed to go over a line multiple times, unless you're applying lineweight. In case of lineweight: apply only on the silhouette of an object, and on an overlap when multiple objects interact (which will be useful from lesson 2 onwards).

All in all, noicely done! I hope you're still willing to continue on with this course (if so, I'd heavily recommend critiquing other people's work, it allows you to learn as well). If not, I still wish you the best of luck in your art journey!