Hello COSMICBRUNCH! I'll review your work.

First of all, there is a whole lot of homework that I can´t find or you didn't do. In all exercises where you were meant to do two full pages you did only one of them (Superimposed Lines, Ghosted Planes (therefore Ellipses in Planes), Tables of Ellipses, Rough Perspective and Organic Perspective). Do them all if you want this lesson to be marked as complete. I don't know the reasons behind this but if it is because you just don't have enough energy to do them remember taking breaks is very important.


I see some problem with your lines. Above all I want mention confidence in each stroke, I see wobbling in lots of lines and even ellipses too, which shows a lack of confidence. I'd suggest to try to draw as loosely as possible and don't rush. Also some minor mistakes like arching and fraying on both sides.


Like I said, you need more confidence before and when drawing the lines. Apart from that your ellipses fit nicely in the given space and you don't deform them too much. You seem to have some issues with the minor axis though.


Not much to say about your boxes. But there is some problems with the lines that make them. There's a mistake you didn't commit earlier in Lines, but you do here. That is repeating lines. Remember that no matter how off a line may be, you should keep on as if the line was correct. And if you want to add some line weight do it with only one line and using the ghosting method.