Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

1:24 AM, Thursday February 24th 2022

Drawabox Lesson 1 Submission (Take 2) - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/7JEuv2n.jpg

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I submitted previously, on the unofficial route (https://drawabox.com/community/submission/JB3M6JXL) and got some helpful feedback from ERVI10, which I took into account as I redid most of the lesson.

Things I didn't redo: Superimposed Lines; Ghosted Lines; the first Table of Ellipses; and Funnels.

I did redo everything else. The biggest improvement I found was for the Ellipses in Planes, which I hadn't quite conceived right in my mind the first time around, leading to very distorted ellipses. On my new attempt I can actually understand how most of them are circles in squares at different angles (although there are still some predictable execution imperfections).

Both times around, my biggest problem with the Rough Perspective boxes is line quality. A lot of the imprecision is down to curving lines, or lines that didn't end where I was aiming. (I was using the ghosting method, to be clear). However, I think there is a noticeable improvement there going into the Organic Perspective exercises, where the boxes (with one major exception) look generally much more precisely and confidently drawn.

I did redo Rotated Boxes, but I have submitted my first attempt here - I didn't really have much conceptual trouble with it first time around, though it's not perfect. My second attempt can be seen here (https://imgur.com/a/IW3AqEr) if you want. It was okay, I think, but in trying to make it much larger, I judged the outer angles worse and lost some of the roundness.

Overall, I think that line quality is still my main weakness, but I'm looking forward to any feedback. Thanks :)

PS one question: I've seen advice on stopping your pen by lifting it rather than slowing down, and I can't manage this at all when I've tried, so I'd be grateful for more specific instructions - e.g. is it a sudden jerk upwards, a millimetre raise of the wrist, or perhaps a sudden angling of the wrist to raise the pen?

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7:49 AM, Thursday February 24th 2022

Welcome (back!) to drawabox, and congrats on completing this lesson. Before I take a look at it, let me address your question. The best way to do it is, of course, whatever way feels best to you, but for me, I like to lift my entire arm, rather than flicking or lifting my wrist. The latter is meant to be locked, anyway, so I’d rather not give my arm any mixed messages. Of course, see what works for you, and decide based on that. But the focus is on what feels right, rather than the result. Obviously, it’ll take some time until you’re able to nail this without overshooting, or stopping short of your mark. I hope that answers your question. Now, onto the submission.

Starting with your superimposed lines, these are looking good. They’re smooth, all lined up on the left, and of a consistent trajectory. They do seem to fray a little too early in their path, from time to time, so I’d be careful that I’m not drawing with my elbow, but you don’t need to stress about it too too much. The ghosted lines/planes look solid – I’m glad to see that you’ve not forgotten to plot some start/end points for the non-diagonal center lines of the planes (most students do!)

The table of ellipses exercise is well done. Your ellipses are smooth, rounded, and properly drawn through. Regarding your rotations, see if, here too, you can lift your pen off the page at the end of them – it should get rid of those tails. The ellipses in planes do a good job of maintaining the smoothness/roundness of your prior ellipses, and even show some consideration towards the perspective needed of them – nicely done. The funnels, too, look solid, if at times a little misaligned. Do spend a little longer ghosting, to fix that, and consider increasing the size of your ellipses the further from the center you are – it’s a little more challenging, but it’ll take them to the next level.

The plotted perspective exercise looks clean.

The rough perspective exercise starts off strong, and shows some solid improvement throughout the set. By the end, your convergences are in a good place, and, though it could stand to improve a little still, the linework is looking good, too.

The rotated boxes exercise is a little small (drawing big is something we heavily encourage – for every exercise, really, but especially for this one – as it’s an effective way of giving your brain some room to think), but its boxes are snug, and properly rotating. They look fairly good around back, too, though, of course, as we progress through the box challenge, and learn about how to go about constructing a box, a lot of the guesswork here will be replaced by some actual knowledge, and informed decisions – look forward to that.

Speaking of boxes, despite a foreshortening that is, at times, a little dramatic, the organic perspective exercise looks good. The boxes themselves are well constructed, and thanks to their sheer number, their overlaps, and their proper increase in size, they do a solid job of communicating the flow we’re after.

Next Steps:

I’ll be marking this lesson as complete, so you may head on over to the box challenge. GL!

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
11:05 PM, Sunday February 27th 2022

Thank you!

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