Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
8:20 AM, Wednesday January 4th 2023
Thank you to any reviewer!
Hello Kooki! Welcome to drawabox and congrats for completing lesson 1!
I'll be critiquing your homework today.
Your lines look great, confident and smooth strokes with fairly minimal wobbling. There is some wobbliness and arching present in your longer lines however, especially near the end as it seems like you're trying to accurately finish your line at a specific spot. It is very important to remember to always prioritize confidence over accuracy.
These are things you'll get to improve by doing these exercises as warm-ups later on.
Your ellipses look pretty great too! Drawn through 2-3 times and very reasonably smooth and confident.
One thing to work towards is trying to keep your ellipses within the bounds of your tables as much as possible, as well as have your ellipses touching each other without overlap, since there are a couple of instances where there is too much space between some of your ellipses. Remember to thoroughly ghost your ellipses going forward, and accuracy will come naturally over time.
Your boxes look good and you seem to have understood the concepts of perspective.
One thing to note however is that your line quality has suffered quite a bit. You should use the same methods and effort for your line making as you did in the first section of the lesson.
There's also a few instances where you have crossed out or repeated a line to correct it. This is something you should avoid doing for all of your markmaking in drawabox going forward. No matter how off a line may be, you should keep the line as if it is correct and move on.
Another small thing to point out is in the rotated boxes exercise, as you're drawing the boxes rotated away further from the center, you should try and exaggerate a bit more and converge your lines more rapidly, to a point closer to the box itself. This is done to better sell the illusion of rotation. You can see more of what I'm talking about in this animated diagram and this section of the lesson.
Overall you've done a great job! You'll have plenty of time to improve your lines and boxes in the 250 box challenge.
Remember to use the exercises you've completed in lesson 1 as warmups before every drawing session. They both help improve those skills you have learned and also prevent you from getting "rusty" overtime in them.
I'll be marking your submission as complete, good luck with the 250 Box Challenge!
Next Steps:
Use these assignments as warm ups.
Remember to apply proper line technique to boxes as well.
Proceed to the 250 Box Challenge.
Thanks a lot for your critique!
I'll work on my ghosting and
Overall Review:
lines are too wobbly and eclipses are going out of assigned boundaries, also ghosting method wasn't seen often.
Detailed Review
In this section your lines are completely straight and banged on point! Even in ghosted planes, the lines are pretty nice and clean with very less wobble! so overall it was good section with ghosting method used.
Tables of eclipses
The eclipses are going out of the assigned boundaries. Please pay attention to get the eclipses in the assigned place.
Ghosted planes eclipses
The eclipses are going out of the assigned boundaries, please look in to attentively. Your lines here are curved a bit, to improve this, you can curve the line consciously opposite to where it was getting curved. It will result your lines to get straight.
Well it is okay, but your funnels mostly came out as straight pipe, so it gave less room for variation of the eclipses. The eclipses should change according to change in the position. There is less variation, but that's okay! you will get it eventually.
Rough perspective
Here, the lines are too much wobbly also ghosting method isn't used. Do your lines with confidence, it is okay for the perspective to go wrong. But, you should do a confident strike. Practice lines in ghosting method only. It helps in future lessons. I am recommending you to do this homework again only for your confident strike and using of ghosting method. Perspective is bound to go wrong, but your line confidence should be there, which i saw in lines homework.
Rotated boxes
I feel you understood this exercise, it also looks pretty much decent. it has less wobbly lines compared to your prior homework.
Organic perspective
Too much wobbly lines in this section. I can't differentiate between where is your ending and starting point. Please look into making more confident boxes. I am recommending you to this homework again. You understood what you had to do, but here also ghosting method wasn't used and lines aren't confident.
If you have any query regarding this review, feel free to ask.
Thank you!
Next Steps:
revision: rough perspective and organic perspective.
Thank you for your critique!
I admit that the rough perspective and especially the organic perspective almost broke me which caused me to not apply myself as I should have. I'll do them again and reupload.
Thank you for replying back!
It's okay! you can take your time and re-upload.
All the best!
After your feedback I started working on redoing the rough and organic perspectives but then life happened and I stopped drawing altogether. Would you recommend to redo the whole lesson 1 or continue where I left off?
So I took a break in the middle of doing the revisions and kind of stop drawing altogether during a few months. I got back to DAB and did a long warmup by doing a bit of every exercise of Lesson 1 and then I went back to finishing those revisions (I took my time this time around).
np! i'll review n get back
kinda also in middle of something.
pls wait up a bit
sorry for delay
will reply to you as soon as possible.
i have also not been on drawabox lately, too much work to handle.
but, will definitely revert back to u in a week or so.
i really apologize for further delay too
thnx considering in advance
Thanks a lot for getting back to me!
Don't worry it's all good :)
I reviewed your work.
You have improved a lot! It's good.
The boxes are turning quite nice and good.
I really love it!
I'm marking your lesson complete.
Very good.
Ps- sorry for delay again!
Thanks a lot for your feedback and taking the time to review my revisions!
Very much appreciated!
These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.
Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).
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