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1:05 AM, Thursday October 29th 2020

Hello and congrats on completing lesson one. I'll be taking a look at your submission today. Starting with your superimposed lines these are off to a good start. You are keeping a clearly defined starting point with all of your wavering happening at the opposite end. I'm noticing that you are doing your homework pages on both sides of the paper and I would advise against it in general as it just makes things a bit harder to parse while doing a critique. I'm also not sure if your pen was low on ink or it's just a bad picture but your ghosted lines are very difficult to see. Your ghosted planes and lines look pretty good in general. You are doing a good job using the ghosting method to get confident linework and while your accuracy isn't great yet that will get better with practice.

Your table of ellipses is looking quite good overall. You are doing a great job drawing through all of your ellipses and you are already getting pretty good at hitting consistent smooth ellipse shapes. This is carried over well into your ellipses in planes and I like that you are focusing on a smooth ellipse shape overall which is the right call. Your ellipses in funnels look fine for the most part. You are squishing the degrees on the outer ellipses on some of these and they look a bit misshapen but other than that this is looking good. Your ellipses are off to a really great start so keep up your practice with them.

Your plotted perspective looks okay although I am noticing some heavy distortion on one of the exercises which you can read about here. Your rough perspective boxes are having a few issues I'd like to discuss. So I think you are using the ghosting method for these but where you are running into problems is that you drew too many of these exercises on page and they are little too small. So what's happening is that I think you are reverting to using your wrist to draw these small lines instead of your shoulder and it's adding a bit of wobble back into your line. You always want to be ghosting and then drawing using your shoulder with confidence. Even on short lines. You are also running into a lot of weird inconsistencies with either not extending your lines back on your boxes or you aren't extending them back correctly. In quite a few instances I'm seeing spots where you didn't line your straight edge up with your boxes lines that is receding to the vp and your extension is instead shooting off into a weird direction. Also you are just straight up not extending some lines. So I want you to do one more page of this exercise and follow the homework example and only do 3 exercises on the page. This will also force you to draw a bit bigger which will help you see things a bit more clearly. Another thing I want to mention is the shading of boxes with colored pencils. Part of working through drawabox is following the directions as closely as possible. For all of your homework submission try and follow the homework guidelines as much as possible and if you want add shading like this just a take a picture of it done in pen only beforehand for the critique.

Your rotated box exercise was an okay attempt. You did a nice job drawing through your boxes and keeping your gaps narrow and consistent. Once again I think drawing a bit bigger here would have helped you quite a bit. Drawing bigger really helps with thinking through more complex spatial problems. Your didn't quite nail your rotations which is to be expected due to the difficulty of this exercise. This is a great one to come back to after a few lessons to see how much your spatial thinking ability has improved. Again with your organic perspective exercise you were supposed to divide each page into 3 separate exercises like the example homework. So just in the interest of getting you to follow instructions a bit better I want you to do one more page of these laid out the correct way. Your line quality here is looking nice and confident though which is great to see and your box constructions are pretty decent for the most part.

Overall this was a pretty good submission and your ellipses in particular are looking quite nice. I think you are understanding most of the concepts these lessons are trying to teach but I think you should try and look at these exercises not as good pretty drawings you are trying to make but instead as learning experiences and try and follow the homework instructions as closely as possible. Once you get those revisions submitted I'll take a look and then you can move on to the 250 box challenge.

Next Steps:

One more page rough perspective boxes. No shading. Make sure you extend the line back on your boxes correctly and only do 3 exercises on the page.

One more page organic perspective boxes. No shading. Make sure it is laid out 3 exercises on the page like the example homework

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
12:16 AM, Tuesday November 3rd 2020

thank you for the feedback, I appreciate your thought out critique! I've linked my imgur post for the resubmissions requested. I've already completed the 250 box challenge so I'll get that submitted as soon as I can!

4:42 PM, Tuesday November 3rd 2020

Hello, so this is a big improvement in terms of line quality which is great to see. The rough perspective look great and you extended all of of your lines correctly. So despite having already gone through the 250 box challenge I'm definitely still noticing some issues with you box constructions on the organic perspective page. I'm seeing lines DIVERGING away from the vanishing point on quite of a few of these which is something you never want. If your box has diverging lines that means it is getting bigger as it moves back into space. So despite you having finished the 250 box challenge already I would highly recommend keeping boxes in your daily warmups until you understand this concept very well. I'm going to mark this as complete and I believe you can submit the 250 box challenge in two weeks.

Next Steps:

The 250 Box Challenge

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
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