Hello Rac! Overall you've done a pretty good job! I'll go first through the technicall exercises and then give some overall pointers on the constructions, but in general you've done great. Let's go!:

-On the arrows your lines are pretty clean, but they're a bit wobbly. Try to loosen up a little and commit to your lines more so they are fully confident. Remember that just like on the lines section we want to focus on confident before than accuracy.

Second thing is that your arrows aren't growing in size as they get closer to us. Both the size of the folds and the space between each fold needs to grow to give the arrows a sense of scale. Take a look at this example. If you really struggle with it you can plot dots as I did on the example first to get a guide of where the lines are going to need to go. Make sure you stop using them as you get more comfortable though!

On leaves you're doing great drawing each one carefully and drawing the adittional silhouette forms with individual strokes without zigzaging. There are some parts in which you cut into the leaves though, make sure you always work by adding to your initial forms instead of cutting if you can help it.

On the branches you're drawing them in strokes that are too big. Draw them in smaller strokes as I show here.

On the ellipses themselves you're doing a good job alligning them! The only problem is that they don't shift much their degrees. Keep in mind that even if the branch doesn't recede into space or get closer to you the ellipses degrees will still changes. Take a look at this diagram with sausages, basically the same thing!

On the constructions I don't have much to say as you did a pretty good job. Main thingy is that in the pot you drew the ellipse on the top should be narrower than the ellipse on the bottom, you'll see more of it on the cylinder challenge lesson, but keep that in mind on the constructions! Reason is actually the same as the branch thingy I explained before.

And last is that you aren't drawing always from simple forms, sometimes you draw complex forms in one go. Here's one [example]https://imgur.com/1ZXoedp) on how you could have approached a complex leaf.

Overall I think you got down the concepts of the lesson and did a great job so I'll mark as complete. Good luck on the bugs in lesson 4!