Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction

1:08 AM, Sunday January 2nd 2022

Lesson 2 - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/sq1hZjl.jpg

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Hello there!

Here is my submission for Lesson 2. I found the texture exercises to be very difficult, but I think I did little bit better on all the other exercises in this lesson. Feel free to leave any and all feedback you have. Tell me what you liked and didn't like about my submission. I look forward to continuing my Drawabox experience!



2 users agree
6:44 AM, Sunday January 2nd 2022

You applied the 3D effect of the organic arrows well enough, but your lines are not very confident and I could see that you tried to do it again by drawing over the mistake. The problem is that the attempted fix just made me more aware of its existence. It is better to leave the problem alone or else the line weight from fixing it would be heavier than the others and become more noticeable. Other than that, it looks like you didn't prepare enough via ghosting which led you to doubt yourself and resulted in wobbly lines. Remember, an inaccurate but confident line is preferable than wobbly ones. You would want the arrows to look solid in this exercise. The mistake is also noticeable in your hatching. You did the gradual increase in spacing, but like the other lines, it's too wobbly. Your organic forms has good form and ellipses are well angled, but just like the previous exercise, your linework did a lot to make the issues more noticeable than the good job you did in making it look 3D.

Your textures could use some work. Instead of drawing the detail's form, try to draw the shadows that the details make. Refer to your peanut dissection, its texture consists of more than the little bumps. It also has shadows formed between each bump which may vary depending on the position of the light source. If done correctly, then the cast shadows you draw will make the details look clear.

Your form intersections looks good, I could see that you exercised the concept of combining shapes, but try to fill the page so that you could get as much practice as possible with each page. Your organic intersections showed form and the softness of the blobs, but it could be a bit more flexible with the way they bend so than they will look more lifelike such as the middle blob in your first page of organic intersections. Just like I said, you need to work on your line work. I could see that you did well when it comes to shapes in 3D space. You just need more work in how you bring it to life.

Next Steps:

Simply fill out the remaining space in your form intersections exercise. You will need the practice when you move on to Lesson 3. And try to go for confident lines even if it's gonna end up inaccurate.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
1:41 AM, Monday January 3rd 2022


I've redone the Form Intersections exercise with your recommendations in mind. Here is the link: https://imgur.com/a/UD9EhZz. I'll like to have a slice of your thoughts on this.

With thanks,


2:20 AM, Monday January 3rd 2022

Alright, you are now ready for lesson 3.

Next Steps:

Along with lesson 3, I also recommend doing the 25 texture challenge as well so that you can learn to add texture on your plants if you have the time to do both.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
1:41 PM, Monday January 3rd 2022

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it!

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