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11:20 AM, Monday January 1st 2024
So far I see You kinda struggle with longer lines and tend to wobble more since you're not using you shoulder imo. It's very apparent in the Planes homework.
So far they look good for most of the ellipses in the first homework, though there's some egg shaping again on some of the larger ones ig due to not using your shoulders and maybe doing a full commit in 2 rounds when drawing the ellipse. Overall they dont much overshoot the boundaries much.
The wobbling and egg shaped is much visible in the drawing ellipses inside plane homework. As I said before, use your shoulders and get confident strokes.
the ellipses look good enough in the Funnel homework and you've grasped the concept okay, though you could draw more ellipses for the largest one (don't worry about the overlap with the other funnels).
A bit of convergence is happening on the parallel parts, make sure you dont over/undershoot the vanishing points for the plotted perspective homework
As I said before, you need to practice drawing from the shoulders more. But atleast you've grasped some concept of perspective for the rough perspective homework.
This Rotated boxes homework is difficult but it looks you've understood the concept of rotation in perspective (the wobbly lines issue still exists)
I feel there's not much increase in convergence as the boxes get closer to the viewer, they kinda look like different sizes than relative similar sizes. I suggest redoing the organic perspectives homework.
(imo means in my opinion if your not Internet savvy much)
Next Steps:
**I would like you to provide revisions for:
Lines : ex3 Planes
Ellipses : ex2 Ellipses inside Planes
Boxes : ex4 Organic Perspective **
Practice drawing with your shoulder often especially with longer lines. Use the ghosting method. Don't worry about the overshoot, try to get a clean flow as possible and then aim for precision. Get a comfortable workplace/seating position for this. Rotate the paper as needed. And as said by Mr.uncomfortable, Don't rush and take as much time needed.
Also use the 50% rule imo to practice drawing from the shoulders more.
2:17 AM, Monday January 8th 2024
Do I only need to do one page of these exercises for the revisions?
2:57 PM, Monday January 8th 2024
You need to submit the pages requested as per the exercise description. 2 pages for planes, 2 pages for ellipses inside planes & 2 pages for organic perspectives.
1:35 AM, Tuesday January 9th 2024
12:42 AM, Thursday January 18th 2024
Here are my revisions
3:30 PM, Tuesday April 2nd 2024
Sorry for the 2 month late reply. You've done the requested revisions properly. I'm marking the submission as complete.
Next Steps:
You can head onto the 250 box challenge (you may have moved onto it due to my late reply). Don't forget to use the lesson 1 homework to implement as daily excersises.
Rapid Viz
Rapid Viz is a book after mine own heart, and exists very much in the same spirit of the concepts that inspired Drawabox. It's all about getting your ideas down on the page, doing so quickly and clearly, so as to communicate them to others. These skills are not only critical in design, but also in the myriad of technical and STEM fields that can really benefit from having someone who can facilitate getting one person's idea across to another.
Where Drawabox focuses on developing underlying spatial thinking skills to help facilitate that kind of communication, Rapid Viz's quick and dirty approach can help students loosen up and really move past the irrelevant matters of being "perfect" or "correct", and focus instead on getting your ideas from your brain, onto the page, and into someone else's brain as efficiently as possible.