In what perspective are the "Rotated Boxes"? Are the boxes in the "250 Box Challenge" unrotated?
8:01 PM, Sunday August 2nd 2020
I'm in the middle of the 250 box challenge, which means I passed the Rotated Boxes Homework already. After drawing a handful of the 250 boxes with the Y-method I looked back to the Rotated Boxes and saw there are boxes which can't be constructed from Y-method. Which made me think more about perspective.
Here are my questions:
1) I understand that a Scene can have multiple Vanishing Points (a lot more than three). What I didn't found out from lesseon 1 material: Is perspective applied to a Scene or two a box? (does all boxes of a scene have same perspective, because perspective is defined for a scene)
2) In the Rotated Box Homework you can see 25 Boxes. Is the box in the center in One-Point-Perspective, the boxes on the axis in Two-Point Perspective and the other boxes in Three-Point perspective? Or is the whole Scene in One-Point-Perspective and rotated boxes are a result of the moving one VP, which means 25 boxes in One-Point-Perspective, but 25 different VPs? Or is it somehow different?
3) Are all boxes I should draw in the 250 box challenge unrotated?
Thanks for supporting me understanding perspective.