2 users agree
9:39 PM, Friday January 20th 2023

Hi, I'll be critiquing your Lesson 1.

You show good understanding of using the Ghost Method throughout your pages. Though, some lines you draw such as ones on Rough Perspective, Ellipsis in Planes and Ghosted Lines tend to wobble or have a slight curve. This is fine in the beginning as you progress throughout DaB, your lines will become straighter and become more of a natural instinct. Your Lines homework is well done and honestly I have no other feedback other than to work on your line confidence.

Your hesitation can also be seen on the Ellipses you draw. Try not to slow down when doing linework, use the ghost method and as soon as you put your pen down, keep it at a constant pace until you lift it off the page. I'm aware it can be somewhat difficult to draw a circle with a constant shape 3 times over, but it'll get better as you progress through DaB. On your Ellipsis in Funnels I can see better line confidence compared to your Ellipses in Planes which is good improvement. Though some of your funnels aren't centered properly with the minor axis but that isn't much of a problem now. I'd also like to mention on Table of Ellipses that your ellipses tend to be either straight up or tilted to the right. Try drawing ellipses in different rotations and sizes so it becomes more natural and easier for you to draw one anytime. Other than that, good job on your Ellipses and keep up on the practice.

For your Boxes, you followed all the instructions provided and executed them well. Your Plotted Perspective is done perfectly, your Rough Perspective demonstrates you understood the concept. Very good job on Rotating Boxes, and your line weight is amazing too. For your Organic Perspective there is a problem I notice not only on here but on some your other works as well. Don't redo a line. Even if you mess up or the line doesn't go exactly as you planned or even if your arm or hand slipped. Don't bother trying to redo it and just move on the next line. Most people tend to put question mark right next to their mistakes which is what I do to.

Overall, you show good understanding of the lessons and there were only minor problems I needed to point out. I recommend you dedicate some time before drawing or doing lesson, to spend 10-15 minutes doing the Ellipses in Planes to get more practice on your line confidence and also drawing ellipses. The next lesson is the 250 Box Challenge which is a great opportunity for you to practice your line work even more. If you also feel demotivated since 250 boxes is a lot, just remember your goal and why you're doing it, it helps a lot. Good luck.

Next Steps:

250 Box Challenge

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
9:19 AM, Saturday January 21st 2023

Thank you for the detailed analysis :)

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