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10:30 AM, Saturday December 28th 2024
Hi there! I saw your submission in the queue so I figured I'd take a look. What I didn't figure was that I was going to absent-mindedly close the browser on my tablet while cross-referencing diagrams and lose my expanded review of your work. Torn between trying again tomorrow and pressing through the review, I apologize in advance for the very truncated review that will follow:
Organic Forms
Equilateral construction, confident linework
nice demonstration of contours widening and narrowing in logical manner
good alignment
Noticed couple contours that don’t touch the edges of the contours, keep an eye for that in future practice
Construction as Applied to Insects.
Good variety, and fairly solid construction
Water Scavenger Beetle, black swallowtail caterpillar are my favorites
Some bugs have a bit too-heavy cast shadow that obstruct underlying construction.
cast shadows on the bugs are better applied as a way to bring clarity to forms such as with legs
Dark markings should be left as outlines
Some bugs appear to have additional forms built on what looks like a 2D addition
Dragonfly Demonstration.
two examples of the abdomen because I didn’t use a dragonfly reference, point is there’s more than one way to tackle a form, consider multiple approaches before making the first marks.
Segmentation as seen here and here in the informal demos sections of L4.
Good diagrams to hold onto:
- - compares 2d forms to connect sausage forms vs 3d forms
- - very nice ant leg construction.
Okay, so after all is said and done, I think you've done really good work here. As I mentioned before, keep an eye on those cast shadows, and avoid any forms that mind read as 2d. Sausages are your friend, and will do more work for you than any other non-box form in the entirety of DAB. And again, sorry for the shortened form of my review. If there's anything you'd like me to expand on, by all means reply below and I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can.
Next Steps:
Move on to Lesson 5 if you haven't already done so. I also recommend tackling the 25 texture analysis challenge if you're looking for something different. Nothing you have to burn through every night, just something to mix up your sessions from time to time.
3:52 PM, Monday January 27th 2025
Thank you for the critique.

Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals
Stan Prokopenko's had been teaching figure drawing as far back as I can remember, even when I was just a regular student myself. It's safe to say that when it comes to figure drawing, his tutelage is among the best.