Looks good! The arrows are superb!

You could stand to draw through some of the larger contour ellipses all the way around the second time. You also have a chance to vary the degree of the ellipses more. The countour curves could also benefit from increasing degree as the sausage moves away from the viewer.

The texture studies could benefit from making the detail shadows(ex: the T's inside the cauliflower) darker on the left and disappear more rapidly. The orange skin is a great example of you doing that!

Form intersections are great! Looks like you might have cut of a corner or two in https://i.imgur.com/rRPsSER.jpeg with the top row of boxes. I don't worry about this too much, since you seem to have followed the surfaces for the rest of them

Your overlapping form shaddows could follow the contours of the surfaces more. Exaggerating a cast shadow in that way can help convey volume of the underlying form more than if you were following the shadows found in reality.

Overall solid job and happy to mark this complete!

If you're willing, I'd appreciate a review of my submission: https://drawabox.com/community/submission/BM06QITQ