250 Box Challenge
3:49 PM, Saturday January 6th 2024
Pages 1-20 6 boxes per page
Pages 21-46 5 boxes per page
All pages and the boxes on each page are numbered.
Great work your line work has improved significantly a minor critique is that your hatching doesn’t fully go from one side to the other every-time. However that’s a very minor issue compared to the entirety of work here. You have a clear sense direction for each box. I like that you did the optional hatching and on a few you of the boxes you added line weight as well both to show that your willing to put that extra work and you did a good job on both. Your line extension also converge for 75% of the boxes you definitely improved at this, as the exercise went on. You understood the exercise well and improved even more from the lesson prior in all regards.
What to practice as warmups or just overall.
You used a lot of cube shaped boxes they look good however it would be a good idea to use skinnier boxes to ensure proficiency in all aspects. I’m sure you’ll do good with these two though
Experiment more with foreshortening like shown here. Specifically having the boxes have a even more rapid convergence. https://drawabox.com/lesson/250boxes/1/foreshortening
All and all you did really good I’m sure this was alotta work and if you actually did that in one day like the dates suggest. That’s pretty maddening. You should try some 50% rule while you wait for a second person to review the content here. I’ll say it one more time good work. ????.
Next Steps:
Practice the 50% rule, then proceed to the second lesson.
i actually was working in a vacuum for 2 months but i have the feeling i am going to hit a plateau soon. to avoid this the best thing is to get my work critiqued and doing some critiques on my own i guess.
While I have a massive library of non-instructional art books I've collected over the years, there's only a handful that are actually important to me. This is one of them - so much so that I jammed my copy into my overstuffed backpack when flying back from my parents' house just so I could have it at my apartment. My back's been sore for a week.
The reason I hold this book in such high esteem is because of how it puts the relatively new field of game art into perspective, showing how concept art really just started off as crude sketches intended to communicate ideas to storytellers, designers and 3D modelers. How all of this focus on beautiful illustrations is really secondary to the core of a concept artist's job. A real eye-opener.
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