Hello! I'm Meap and I hope my feedback will be helpful to you :3. Overall, I think you did great.


• Overall, your lines are consistent, not wobbly, very clear signs of confidence! Your longer lines do have tendencies of arcing but not that noticeable. If you're confident that you had drawn from the shoulder but the problem still persists, you can try this Tip from the lesson by consciously arcing your line slightly in the opposite direction.

• There are cases of your lines missing the designated endpoints, but this is to be expected from this level and can be improved over practicing. So don't worry if you didn't manage to nail it the first time. A small tip on improving the accuracy (from my personal experience and only if you have nailed the confidence part of course): you can try to focus more on the endpoint instead of tracing your eyes along the lines. So first, do your usual ghosting method (as many times as you needed until you feel confident enough), then focus on the endpoint and just shoot your lines.


Tables of Ellipses

• Most of your ellipses fit snugly against the borders of the table. And the ellipses are mostly evenly shaped and smoothly executed too.

Ellipses in Planes

• I assume some ellipses are a bit wobbly/deformed due to the attempt of you trying to have your ellipses to touch all 4 edges. I encourage you to prioritize the even shape/confident execution above all else and spend as much time as you needed for the ghosting method.


• The ellipses are evenly shaped and smoothly executed. Very clear attempt of trying to fit the ellipses in the funnels. For future warm-ups, follow the two upper funnels in your submission. Your central minor axis line (the smaller line in the middle) should not be cutting through your ellipses and instead should cut into two equal, symmetrical halves down their narrower dimension by it.


Plotted Perspective

• Remember to keep your verticals perpendicular to the horizon (especially the lines at the back of the box).

Rough Perspective

• Your front and back faces of the boxes composed of horizontals that are parallel to the horizon line, and verticals that are perpendicular to it so good job!

Rotated Boxes

• You did a great job on this one! Clearly shown you follow the core steps of the exercise with consistent and confident lines. The gaps between your boxes are tight and consistent. Not to mention your boxes are rotated very nicely.

Organic perspective

• Good job on this exercise too. Little to no divergence cases. I can tell you spent a good amount of time on planning the lines. Definitely encourage you to continue doing so when moving to the 250 boxes challenge. A nice attempt of hatching here. Remember to apply the ghosting method and drawing from your shoulder for every line of the hatching also.

Overall, I can tell you have a pretty decent grasp on perspective. Your lines are gradually more confident and consistent over each exercise as well. You can definitely start incorporating these exercises as your warms-up. Personally, I would pick out a random one and do it for 10-15 minutes as a warm-up. You are free to do how much or how long you want since this is more of a personal growth. For now, I would say the Ghosted Planes and Ellipses in Ghosted Planes would benefit you most on getting you used to drawing from the shoulder more and improve your lines and ellipses confidence in the process. Have a great time doing your 250 boxes challenge now and congrats on completing the first lesson yippee!