Starting with your arrows, these are flowing very nicely through all three dimensions of space. I'm also seeing a strong sense of depth that comes from compressing both the positive space (the ribbon and its width, which narrows as we look farther away) and the spaces between the zigzagging sections (the negative space).

Moving onto your organic forms with contour ellipses, you're doing a good job of keeping your sausage forms "simple" (as prescribed in the instructions). I do feel that your ellipses and contour curves could stand to take a little more time through the planning and preparation phases of the ghosting method before executing them in order to improve on their general accuracy, keeping them snug between the edges of the sausage forms, etc. but they are definitely being drawn very confidently, and are maintaining an even shape.

One thing you need to keep an eye on however is the degree of your contour lines. You're doing a good job in the contour curves, but I feel that the degree of your contour ellipses tends to be too consistent, instead of shifting naturally along the length of the form as shown here.

Your work in the texture exercises - both the texture analyses and dissections - is relaly quite well done. You're doing a good job of relying less and less on explicit outlines to define your textural forms, and more and more on strong shadow shapes. You're also demonstrating a capacity for controlling the density of your textures from left to right, and are showing strong observational skills overall. You especially knock it out of the park with your dissections. Really, really well done.

Moving onto the form intersections, you've doing a good job in drawing these forms such that they feel cohesive and consistent within the same space. The intersections themselves are a good start - though as is expected, there is certainly room for growth here. This is entirely normal, as this aspect of the exercise is all about introducing students to thinking about how their forms relate to one another. It's not something we expect prior experience with, and we will continue to explore these principles further throughout the entirety of this course. As it stands, you're off to an excellent start.

Lastly, your organic intersections do a good job of establishing how these forms interact with one another in 3D space, rather than just as flar shapes on a page. You're also capturing a sense of gravity in how they slump and sag over one another. One thing you will want to continue to think about as you move forwards however is how cast shadows are projected onto underlying surfaces, and how they actually wrap around those surfaces. You're getting there, but I think more practice in applying them to your drawings will yield better results.

All in all, really well done. I'll go ahead and mark this lesson as complete.