1 users agree
4:58 PM, Saturday August 13th 2022
edited at 5:20 PM, Aug 13th 2022

Hello there,

I will try to give you some advice on your boxes:

  • Many of your boxes have parallel or even diverging lines, try choosing a vanishing point that is closer to the box or even somewhere on the page, that makes it easier to actually get your lines to converge properly.

  • You should be taking more time constructing your boxes, most of them seem rushed. You extended some of your lines in the wrong direction and crossed them afterwards, don't do that. If a line went wrong so be it, do not redraw or cross over lines.

  • Your hatching is kinda messy, take your time and ghost straight lines from one edge to the other side of the plane, at some boxes you even scribbled a messy line across the plane. Hatching is optional and makes your boxes read better, so if you decide to hatch a plane, do it tidy and take your time. I recommend always hatching the plane that covers the inner corner, that makes your perspective read better

  • Do only hatch in one direction, do not cross over your hatching in multiple directions

  • I see some degree of wobble in your lines, so take your time to properly ghost and plan your lines, only then do a confident stroke from you shoulder, that is even more important to getting the lines right (confidence > accuracy)

  • Your did a good job of identifying mistakes yourself, gave each box it's proper space and used multiple colored pencils for the different directions, good job!

However there are missing many pages.

*edit: sorry at first I accidently posted a revision of another person's submission to your profile, however I updated the review, but cannot undo the next steps part, so just ignore that

Next Steps:

Next up is lesson 2, have fun and don't give up (it's a though one) as it is sure worth it!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
edited at 5:20 PM, Aug 13th 2022
0 users agree
5:19 PM, Saturday August 13th 2022

There are missing pages

Next Steps:

I cannot really go any further nor mark this submission as complete, as there are many pages of boxes missing. You only uploaded 8 pages of 5-6 boxes, which is not enough to complete the 250 box challenge.

Please do the remaining pages and make sure all boxes and pages are uploaded properly, in order to get this exercise marked as complete.

Keep going and try to do the remaining boxes with the points I mentioned in mind.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
3:37 PM, Sunday August 14th 2022

Thank you for alerting me, this is the first time I have used this site

I put here the new link in which each challenge has 250 boxes and wait for your criticism!


Thank you again.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.


This is another one of those things that aren't sold through Amazon, so I don't get a commission on it - but it's just too good to leave out. PureRef is a fantastic piece of software that is both Windows and Mac compatible. It's used for collecting reference and compiling them into a moodboard. You can move them around freely, have them automatically arranged, zoom in/out and even scale/flip/rotate images as you please. If needed, you can also add little text notes.

When starting on a project, I'll often open it up and start dragging reference images off the internet onto the board. When I'm done, I'll save out a '.pur' file, which embeds all the images. They can get pretty big, but are way more convenient than hauling around folders full of separate images.

Did I mention you can get it for free? The developer allows you to pay whatever amount you want for it. They recommend $5, but they'll allow you to take it for nothing. Really though, with software this versatile and polished, you really should throw them a few bucks if you pick it up. It's more than worth it.

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