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12:01 AM, Sunday September 6th 2020


Thank you for your feedback! You're right, I made a big mistake using ruler at this exercise, it was a lack of attention the instructions, maybe I hurried too much.

About the other point, the same thing, I need to take my time, as you said. At least the beginning of the line must be more accurate. So, I did these steps that you appointed! on the link below

11:22 PM, Sunday September 6th 2020

You're welcome! Mistakes happen, and we're all here to learn right?

So, I took a look at your revisions:

  • Superimposed Lines look really good, you did a great job!

  • On the rough perspective first page, your boxes were "falling" a bit to the left, the lines that should be parallel with the horizon are not parallel. But on the second page you got it better!

I'm marking it as complete now! Good luck moving forward!

Next Steps:

Proceed to the 250 box challenge, as it will help you deal with perspective issues. Remember to keep doing the lesson 1 exercises as quick warmups (5-15min) before drawing.

Also, taking your time to review other peoples homework will help you get a better understanding of the concepts you learn. And it will help the community too!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
1:24 AM, Sunday July 11th 2021

Just wanted to comment that Julio's rotated boxes look really good. While the overall shape/ evenness of the piece isn't perfect (probably due to not adding the guide boxes before hand, as you mentioned) it looks, to me, like they otherwise nailed the point of this exercise - the boxes are packed tight, aligned well, and the "invisible" lines show the underlying construction and perspective really well - plus the lines are all generally smooth and confident.

Oh, also the hatching is nice. Even though it's optional, I find the hatching is helpful with orienting myself in this VERY difficult exercise. The way it is used here does not at all hide the "invisible" lines or mask any errors (few as there are). Nicely done

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