2 users agree
8:56 AM, Tuesday September 6th 2022

Hi there Milkybox! I'll be critiquing your work today.


Superimposed lines: You're off to a pretty good start. They're fraying at the far end, but that's fine for now -- what's important right now is line confidence, not accuracy. Accuracy comes later with practice. There's a bit of wobble to some of the lines, and they tend to arch; make sure you're using your whole arm when drawing, not just your wrist and/or elbow, and strive to make a single, confident, smooth mark.

Ghosted lines: Nice! These are smooth and confident and show little to no arching. They do tend to either fall short or overshoot the second point, but our main priority right now is line confidence.

Ghosted planes: Here you make good use of what you learned from the last exercise. Your lines are excellent! They're smooth and confident, show little to no arching, and unlike the last exercise they connect well to the second point. Well done!


Table of ellipses: Your ellipses are really good. They fit snuggly for the most part, and you've drawn through them 2-3 times. They do show a small amount of wobbling and unevenness, especially the larger ones -- make sure you're ghosting your ellipses before touching pen to page, so you familiarise yourself with the motion, and then execute the mark with confidence.

Ellipses in planes: See previous

Funnels: Your ellipses are touching the curves nicely, and the minor axis cuts the ellipses in (almost) symmetrical halves. They do still show some wobble, so make sure you work on your line confidence. I recommend repeating these exercises as warmups going forward. Good job!


Plotted perspective: Nice! You've drawn through all your boxes, and you've made use of hatching to clearly communicate to the viewer which face is in front of which. Your vertical lines are tilting a bit though, as they're supposed to be perpendicular to the horizon line in two point perspective. You also change which face is hatched from box to box which, while not necessarily wrong, isn't recommended (see how only the rightmost plane from our POV is hatched here).

Rough perspective: The lines that make up the front- and back faces of the boxes are supposed to be perpendicular/parallel to the horizon line (i.e the faces should be rectangular, as seen here) since it's in 1 point perspective. This can be hard to execute in practice, but keep it in mind. You've drawn through your boxes, and you've made use of the line correction method (i.e those red lines extending to the horizon line).

Rotated boxes: Your boxes aren't rotating enough, especially those on the diagonals (See how we almost don't see the farthermost box's front face?). But it was a good attempt nevertheless, it's a real challenge to get right. You've drawn through your boxes and made good use of hatching to make the boxes stand out better. You could've added some additional line weight to make the boxes stand out even better, but that's a nitpick rather than a critique. Good job.

Organic perspective: Nice! The perspective's a bit off but that's to be expected, just keep the vanishing points in mind and make sure your lines converge. Overall a pretty good attempt. Also remember to make use of line weight when overlapping boxes to make it easier to tell which box is in front.

Overall, I think you did a pretty good job! You made it through, and that's a feat in itself! I want you to do one more page of Rough Perspective, and once that's done you're free to tackle the 250 Box Challenge. Good luck!

Next Steps:

1 filled page of Rough Perspective

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
12:36 AM, Saturday September 17th 2022
edited at 4:41 PM, Sep 18th 2022


Sorry for taking so long to submit the Rough Perspective, I've been very busy lately

edited at 4:41 PM, Sep 18th 2022
2:05 PM, Saturday September 10th 2022

Thank You so much for your critique!! It was very useful

3:39 PM, Saturday September 10th 2022

I'm glad I could be of help! I trust you've done another page of Rough Perspective (and if you haven't, you'll have plenty of time to practice perspective in the 250 box challenge regardless), so I consider you complete with this lesson. Good luck with the rest of the course :D

Next Steps:

Next up: The 250 box challenge

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
11:05 PM, Saturday September 10th 2022

Thank You! :)

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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

How to Draw by Scott Robertson

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