
Good job on completing lesson 2! Hope you enjoyed it.

Here's my feedback:

Organic arrows - Pretty good. Only feedback I'd give is for the overlaping parts of the arrows is to go over the line again that's visible(so where the arrow curls one line is visible/closer and the other isn't). This will give a bit more visual clarity on the shape.

Contour lines - Your sausages look a bit flat, more so on the ellipse contour line exercise. You can improve this by changing the degree of the ellipse throught the sausage. It's hard to specifically explain it with words so I'm linking this picture from the homework explanation.


Textures - Your textures are very "outliney". It seems more like you are drawing hard outlines of objects, rather than it's texture and how the light/shadow works with it. I would recommend watching through this clip for deeper explanation(it's only 5min long and it is linked in the homework section as well).


You want to strive for your texture work in these exercises to be more implicit, rather than explicit.

Form intersections - You have 4 pages of intersections, but on 3 pages you didn't outline the intersections at all. Also, you missed the statement in the homework that said one page must be boxes only. You should pay a bit more attention to the homework requirements, and the material that accompanies it will help you avoid issues such as this one in the future.

Please redo this homework.

Organic intersections - Your sausages here seem very stiff and floaty. The reason they seem stiff is because you are not adding the proper weight to them. They are suppose to kind of "sag" over the sausage below then. There needs to be more curvature to emphasise the weight of the object.

I can't pinpoint the exact issue with the shadows though. I think they contribute to the "floatiness" of your sausages. But it's quite possible the stiffness is more to blame here. It's possible that maybe your shadows are too big, making the objects appear floating above the sausages below.

You've done good work here, but there's definitely some need for revisions.