Hey there Asceliopos, I'll be handling your lesson 1 critique.

Welcome back, hopefully you manage to stick with it this time and reach your goals.

Starting off with your Lines section.

Your super imposed lines are looking solid, you do get more fraying on the longer and curved lines but that's normal and will improve with more mileage.

In the ghosted lines and planes you're showing that you can draw lines with confidence, on the rare occasion you get some wobbling or arcing but you show that you understand the concept and it'll become muscle memory as long as you continue to keep practicing.

On to Ellipses.

In your tables and planes exercises you're showing a good number of confident looking ellipses. On occasion you do suffer from some pinched ends and squared edges which shows you aren't fully comfortable with drawing ellipses confidently. Just remember that accuracy is our second priority, if you need to break the boundaries you create to get smooth round ellipses then do so, accuracy will come with mileage.

Your ellipses in the funnel exercise are a bit weaker, most likely because you're worried about keeping them in the funnels themselves. That aside a mistake that you as well as many other people made is you failed to keep your ellipses divided equally by the funnel's central minor axis. It's tricky to do when you aren't confident in your ellipses yet, but remember it's ultimately your goal while trying to do this exercise as a warm up in the future, you can read more about the mistake here.

Lastly let's go over your Boxes.

Great work on plotted perspective.

I can tell you tried to keep your horizontal lines parallel and vertical lines perpendicular to the horizon line in your rough perspective exercise. Your convergence correction lines also end up in the area of the vanishing point which shows an understanding of the concepts being shown here. Your boxes could be constructed more solidly but this is a good start and you'll improve with the help of upcoming material.

These last 2 exercises are meant to be a challenge and you had solid attempts, so pat yourself on the back.

You managed to achieve some healthy rotation and kept things evenly spaced in the rotated box exercise. You struggle more in the corners which is expected but this is a great start and shows an improvement in your construction skills already.

In the organic perspective exercise your boxes do tend to diverge and skew in ways that make them appear less solid, but you grasp the concept of perspective and how the further away a box is the smaller it gets.

Overall this is a great start and return to the course, you do have room for improvement but with more mileage and instruction from upcoming material I believe you'll have no problems getting more consistent and better results.

I'll be marking your lesson as complete and moving you on to the 250 box challenge.

Good work and good luck!