Hello again, congrats on finishing the lesson! I'll be looking over your work.

Starting with your lines, you did a great job here. Your lines are both confident and accurate which is pretty difficult to do at this stage. You lines tend to get slightly arced when trying to do longer ghosted lines but this is still a small issue and I'm sure you'll have no problem fixing it in the future.

Your ellipses look pretty solid overall as well. You did a great job with making sure that you were drawing through each ellipse 2 to 3 times and with keeping each ellipse within their bounds in the funnels and the tables of ellipses exercises. You have a couple of deformed ellipses especially in the ghosted planes section though. I know this is harder when it comes to ellipses because you can clearly see that your ellipse isn't big/small enough or isn't in the right place as you're going over it multiple times but remember that you should always prioritize confidence when you put down your marks, especially in this lesson. Accuracy will come with time. There are also a couple of misaligned ellipses in the funnels exercise but that's not a huge deal for now.

Plotted perspective looks great! In the rough perspective exercise though, your lines tend to get a bit wobbly overall. Also it seems that you were going over most of your lines to correct them. Keep in mind that trying to fix your mistakes with ink will only shift the viewer's attention to them.

Except for trying to correct your mistakes, you did a great job with rotated boxes as well. You did a great job with using the neighboring edges to construct the next box and making sure every box was rotating in space.

Again, except for the corrected mistakes, organic perspective looks pretty solid. You have a couple of diverging lines but you'll have a lot of time to work on that during the 250 boxes challenge.

Overall, you did great with this lesson, congratulations! I'm going to mark this lesson as complete so here are some helpful links for the box challenge: an alternate method for placing the inner corner, different orientations of boxes. That last link is for inspiration only though, make sure to draw from your imagination.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here or on discord by tagging me, good luck with 250 boxes!