Hey there! Congrats on completing Lesson 1! I'm Ennui, and I'm here to give you feedback today!

Let's take it section by section!


Ooh, good job here! I'm seeing good strong markmaking here! Your Superimposed Lines exercise does have some fraying, which is fine, and some curved and arching lines. However, the majority of your lines seem to be smooth and the fraying is only at one end, so that's alright! Your accuracy will improve with practice.

Your Ghosted Lines show this well. Your lines are accurate but not wobbly, which is very good! I can see some very slight arching in some places, but that's not a cause for concern since almost all of your lines show steadiness and smoothness.

Your Ghosted Planes exercise is similar. At some places, I do see that the lines don't connect to the edges, but again, not much of a cause for concern.


Once again, good job here. Your ellipses are smooth and you've drawn through them twice. There's also not too much difference between the first ellipse drawn and the second one. Your Tables of Ellipses also shows good accuracy, with most of the ellipses staying within the boundaries and not overlapping. Good job!

For having so many contorted planes, your Ellipses in Planes came out quite well! Most of the ellipses touched all four corners of the planes, and once again, smooth ellipses drawn through twice. I could only pick out a couple where the ellipse was smaller than the boundaries or went over.

Another good attempt with the Funnels exercise! They are well aligned with the minor axis. In your future warmups, you can go further and attempt to show a varying in the degree of the ellipses.


Your boxes show good understanding of perspective there! Your Plotted Perspective especially came out quite well.

Regarding Rough Perspective, I did see some places where the depth line was way off from the vanishing point, but since almost all of the lines converged approximately at the vanishing point, it's fine. Just remember to ghost almost all points next time!

Rotated Boxes was done well! Lines are smooth, and there is good understanding of the shift in vanishing points.

Organic Perspective was also done well! You varied the sizes of the boxes well and maintained steady lines! Although at some points, it was a bit difficult to tell the size difference in the boxes.

Final Critique:

You've done incredibly well here! You show a good understanding of the basics and internalization of the basic concepts that Lesson 1 has attempted to teach you. Great job, and good luck on your art journey!