Lesson 2: Best Method of Drawing Contour Curves

10:51 PM, Wednesday January 25th 2023

I'm working on re-doing my Organic Forms with Countour Lines exercise and was wondering if I had been doing it the wrong way. When i previously did the exercise, I draw my curves by drawing an ellipse, but only the part needed for the curve. Is this the right way to draw the curves or am I doing it wrong?

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3:53 PM, Thursday January 26th 2023




One thing I would suggest is that you spend some time looking at the images here and picturing in your head how these sausages have a volume, follow in your mind the whole contour trying to feel how they are not flat, they express volume, the marks are not random, you don't just copy them without thinking why the contour is like it is shown here. Later you can just try them out a little to see if you could grasp and reproduce a form with volume. I hope it helps :D

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10:31 PM, Saturday January 28th 2023

Hi Dayneb12, the correct way to draw these curves is to ghost an entire ellipse and only touch the page for the lines you want to see; it can be tricky to do, but drawing the complete ellipse helps the contour lines wrap around the surface better.

A couple thoughts from looking at your submission. Your work looks rushed and also lacking confidence, as mentioned in your feedback. If you're rushing, slow down and really focus on each mark you make, whether that is a line or an ellipse. Don't worry about completing the whole page; just focus on that one mark and then do the next. Focusing on each line and striving to execute it with confidence will take you longer at first (a page might take you 2 or 3 times as long), but it will also give you better results. With many months of practice your speed and accuracy will improve; but at first you have to go slow to build the right muscle memory (i.e. don't rush; you can and should still execute your marks with swift confidence); you don't want to build a habit of being sloppy.

My apologies if I'm misunderstanding or misjudging your approach, but I thought this advice might help you. Drawabox is as much a life course on patience and character-building as it is on drawing construction.

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Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens

Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens

Like the Staedtlers, these also come in a set of multiple weights - the ones we use are F. One useful thing in these sets however (if you can't find the pens individually) is that some of the sets come with a brush pen (the B size). These can be helpful in filling out big black areas.

Still, I'd recommend buying these in person if you can, at a proper art supply store. They'll generally let you buy them individually, and also test them out beforehand to weed out any duds.

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