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1:37 PM, Wednesday February 3rd 2021

I will reply with the works required but I have one question concerning the 250 box challenge - is it also freehand? I think I couldn't find it anywhere, and yes, sometimes I am unsure as to whether to do it freehand or with ruler..

3:23 PM, Wednesday February 3rd 2021

You can use a ruler to set up the page layouts for the exercises and to draw in things like the horizon line but the rest of your drawing should be done freehand. The only boxes you were supposed to draw with a ruler during lesson one was the plotted perspective homework. Everything else is supposed to be freehand.

1:50 PM, Friday February 5th 2021

Here is the link for the exercises you required me to do again; may I move on to the 250 boxes challenge now?

7:40 PM, Friday February 5th 2021

Yep, these both look good. I'm going to mark this as complete and you can move on to the 250 box challenge. Good luck!

Next Steps:

The 250 Box Challenge

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
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