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2 users agree
12:09 AM, Wednesday April 21st 2021

Welcome to DAB! Let's get started on the critique:

Super Imposed Lines:

You seem to have got the right idea from the exercise and followed the instructions accurately, so you're along the right lines. The smaller lines are quite close knit, though the longer lines seem to have more fraying and arcing. The curved lines are also subject to additional wobbling. Overall though, they're really not so bad! It's expected that you might have more difficulty with the longer lines and the curved lines (as you make use of your shoulder pivot in ways you're not used to), so don't worry too heavily about it. Note it down, and move on

Ghosted Lines:

Impressively good considering where you're at. No problems here, and you'll get even better at this with time and practise.

Tables of ellipses

These are looking very nice, draw-throughs are crisp and keep to the original ellipse. I will mention though that many of your ellipses are of more or less the same shape and rotation; narrow, long ellipses at a slight tilt. Note the following grids of ellipses: The first three grids reading from the left downwards on page 1; the second grid reading from the left downwards on page 2. The ellipses feel a little looser and less solid here. It's worth noting that these ellipses are more circular in nature, which indicates to me that the less narrow, fatter, more circular ellipses are an area of weakness for you. You've clearly understood the exercise and all of its instructions, so the primary takeaway here is to focus on practising ellipses that fatter and more circular.


You've uploaded your ellipses in planes, but no picture of ghosted planes without ellipses is to be seen. It's important to upload pictures of every single exercise. If I were to be strict here I'd instruct you to go back and re-do them. As it stands, this is community critique, so the standards are a little more relaxed (though I assure you that the feedback is not lacking in quality.) I bring this up now as it's quite important for lesson 2, where you'll be drawing over organic forms with detailed texture; It's really quite impossible to critique the exercise that you draw over in that instance, so do please make a note of this point and take a Scan/picture of these exercises before you draw over them again later in the course.

Ghosted planes + ellipses in planes

Ellipses are looking fine, no problems with the added element of the plane boundaries. Note to mention (though it is a common point I've found); the confidence of the ghosted lines goes down as you grapple with the additional element of constructing the plane. It's important to remember that confidence in your linework is key. It's all good and well being able to overcome one's fear of drawing a straight line badly, but that isn't of much use if we throw it all out of the window because we're pre-occupied with 'getting the shape right'. Focus on the linework first and foremost, and everything else will slot into place.


Really quite good here. One or two misalingments, but that's perfectly normal at this stage.

Plotted Perspective


Rough Perpsective

Good observations on your VP's. Very impressive attempt, you've done a good job on this. No issues overall.

Rotated boxes

Looking good! Great first attempt, lots of students struggle with this exercise, and we usually tell them to move straight on to the 250 box challenge even when they do quite badly. So pat yourself on the back for this, it's looking good

Organic Perpsective

Another quite impressive attempt. Well done on mixing up the different types of boxes, it's an interesting experiment to witness (and I hope it was a good learning experience for you). You've even done a remarkably good job of trying to keep foreshortening consistent. Really good work!

Next Steps:

Go on to the 250 box challenge now

Look forward to seeing you there!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
2:01 AM, Wednesday April 21st 2021

Thanks for the warm welcome and the thorough critique, Zakinithos! I forgot to ask any reviewers to pinpoint weaknesses so I would know what to focus on during warm-ups, but your mention of the rounder/more circular ellipses was precisely what I was looking for and definitely something I could improve on.

Apologies for not including the planes exercise, I scanned the first 3 exercises, read that photo submissions are often easier to review than scans, and then re-took all the photos after drawing over the original planes exercise. My mistake for not including the original scan with this submission, but thank you for pointing it out so I can be more careful if that comes up again.

I look forward to working with you and this great this community and greatly appreciate your effort.


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Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

This is a remarkable little pen. Technically speaking, any brush pen of reasonable quality will do, but I'm especially fond of this one. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.

Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.

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