Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

9:09 AM, Thursday April 2nd 2020

Drawabox Lesson 1 - Album on Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/gallery/f2m3UqH

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Hi, re-uploading Lesson 1 as now patreon.

Bit blotchy as used sharpie ultrafine which go soft and blotch quite quickly. Have some decent fineliners now.

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1:56 PM, Saturday April 4th 2020

Hey scooby, welcome to the patreon life. I'll be your TA today so let's get started.

Starting with your super imposed lines you're doing a good job keeping your lines confident and smooth and also having them grouped fairly tightly together. With your ghosted lines, these are fairly confident and drawn with your shoulder, but they are all fairly short so it really isn't testing your ability to draw longer lines with your shoulder to reveal if you are understanding the mechanics correctly. On some of the longer lines there is some arcing indicating more elbow usage so watch out for that.

Moving on to your ellipses, the overall shape of them all is pretty good - no points, no flat zones, consistent curvature. In drawing through them your concentric passes get a little wild so keep practicing to tighten that up. In your ellipses in planes exercise you're doing a good job hitting the correct points on the edges of the planes to cause the ellipse to sit snugly instead of floating through space. With your tables exercise you continue to do a fairly good job keeping everything tightly packed to avoid any ambiguity, but there are some ellipses here and there that don't make contact with either a neighboring ellipse or a table boundary. This facet of keeping things packed tightly is important because when we make a constructed drawing, each piece must be built upon the previous layer and if the pieces aren't making good contact it breaks the illusion of form. Your funnels exercise is pretty good - you're doing a good job keeping your minor axes aligned to the funnel axes.

Moving on to your rough perspective, I'm seeing the common problem of lines getting shaky and less confident as the student moves on to drawing actual "things" instead of abstract exercises. Remember to always use the ghosting method and your shoulder. Your horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon and your verticals are perpendicular resulting in properly oriented boxes, and your converging lines are on the right track as indicated by your extension lines.

Now let's take a look at your rotated boxes. This is actually a pretty solid attempt! Your lines are still a bit shaky, but you are showing that you understand the core principles here. You packed your boxes tightly to better leverage adjacent lines as perspective guides, and your boxes are rotating. The rotation could definitely be pushed more, so if you're having trouble with that, give this gif some attention and internalize how the rotation is driven by the motion of the vanishing points. Overall though, our only goal for students here is to complete this exercise to the best of their abilities and you've done that. This is so you can be exposed to new types of spatial problems and solution methods. One more thing I would like to point out is that you drew this entire thing pretty small. It's generally a good idea to draw as large as you can, because when you draw larger you're giving your brain more room to work through these spatial puzzles.

Finally, let's look at your organic perspective. You're doing a good job pushing the illusion of 3d space on your sheet of paper. You scale your boxes from big to small making it appear to have a foreground, mid ground, and background, and your forms overlapping indicates they all exist within the same space. Your perspective is not quite there yet, but that's ok because we'll work on that in the next step. Your lines are getting better and you followed the instructions regarding framing your compositions and doing 3 per page which I've seen neglected more than I'd like this last week. So good job there!

Overall, you've done good work here and you're off to a nice start. I will be marking this lesson as complete.

Next Steps:

Your next stop is the 250 box challenge. I want you to keep working on your line confidence (ghosting and using the shoulder) during this challenge. Don't forget to spend half your time drawing your own stuff as outlined in lesson 0 to help avoid burning out. We'll see you on the other side of 250.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
12:21 PM, Sunday April 5th 2020

Thanks very much for your feedback. I am aware of my tendency to draw too small. All these were done before I had committed to Patreon though. Hopefully now I have committed my focus will be bigger and better.


I am up to almost 100 in the 250 box challenge but I think I am drawing too many boxes on one A4 page. I think this falls into the trap above and think that perhaps 6 should be the maximum to allow for longer lines. Would you agree?

Obviously means vanishing points are more likely to be off the page which makes the challenge more challenging.

4:58 PM, Sunday April 5th 2020

Just jumping in here to answer this question myself - a lot of people tend to stick to 6 boxes a page, so that's a pretty good number. You are going to end up with plenty of boxes where the vanishing points are way off the page if you're adhering to the recommendation of sticking to a wide variety of rates of foreshortening (some shallow, some dramatic), and while that does make things more challenging in some aspects, it also gives a little more leeway to make minor mistakes without them being noticeable. Conversely, vanishing points closeby are easier to envision but also easier to get more noticeably wrong.

6:05 PM, Sunday April 5th 2020

Thanks for your reply. I was looking at some examples and thought I am cramming too much in here ( up to 11 or 12 boxes ). Will reduce to 6 or so from here on.

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Framed Ink

Framed Ink

I'd been drawing as a hobby for a solid 10 years at least before I finally had the concept of composition explained to me by a friend.

Unlike the spatial reasoning we delve into here, where it's all about understanding the relationships between things in three dimensions, composition is all about understanding what you're drawing as it exists in two dimensions. It's about the silhouettes that are used to represent objects, without concern for what those objects are. It's all just shapes, how those shapes balance against one another, and how their arrangement encourages the viewer's eye to follow a specific path. When it comes to illustration, composition is extremely important, and coming to understand it fundamentally changed how I approached my own work.

Marcos Mateu-Mestre's Framed Ink is among the best books out there on explaining composition, and how to think through the way in which you lay out your work.

Illustration is, at its core, storytelling, and understanding composition will arm you with the tools you'll need to tell stories that occur across a span of time, within the confines of a single frame.

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