Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

8:39 PM, Thursday June 16th 2022

exercises - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/n9wkHnP.jpg

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i did this all in 3 months because i always procastinate and always so overwhelmed with everything, but hopefully, i wont be overwhelmed with everything this time and do all the lesson in atleast a year or 2. but hopefully this website and this program will help me get better with drawing in general. especially when i want to be a character artist or even an animator! so im very excited, hopefully im not lazy and sht like that lol. im so easy to give up and become demotivated. so i just wanted to just draw and become a way better artist.

2 users agree
3:59 PM, Monday June 20th 2022

Hey there! Congrats on completing lesson 1. I can totally relate to procrastinating during this course. I technically started lesson one back in 2018, and I didn't start progressing from it until the beginning of 2021. I had other things going on, too, so don't worry about the timeline. Take your time and go at your own pace. Now, onto your submission:

Superimposed Lines: You did well on this exercise. I could tell that you made sure to place your pen where you first began. There are a few instances of fraying on both ends, so continue working on taking your time and confidently making the line.

Ghosted Lines: Really well done! For a majority of these, you made it to the mark. There are few that overshot or undershot, and that's fine. That will get better with time. One thing that helps me is that after ghosting, when I place pen on paper, I look at the destination point and draw to it. Also, there are some instances of wavering near the end of your lines, so make sure to be confident in your strokes.

Ghosted Planes: Similar to ghosted lines, you understood the objective of this exercise. There are instances of wavering and overshooting and undershooting, so the advice is similar to what I said in the Ghosted Lines section.

Table of Ellipses: Excellent work! You drew through the ellipses like Uncomfortable instructed. You made sure to keep them bound (as best as you could) inside their row/column. And everything looks confidently executed. There are some instances where they are kind of floating in the row. Just continue to work on that.

Ellipses in Planes: Once again, well done! The ellipses look confident, and I think you grasped the exercise well.

Funnels: You did alright on this one, too. You did well to make sure they were aligned to the axis. You also made sure the ellipses were tight inside the funnels. There are a few instances of ellipses floating in the funnels, so make sure to make them snug. One thing I would challenge you to do is to vary the degree of your ellipses. They look like they share the same degree in your funnels. Varying them (similar to how you did it in the Table of Ellipses exercise) will be good practice for future lessons. Keep that in mind for your warm ups.

Plotted Perspective: Solid work here! You demonstrated confidence in this exercise, and it sets up properly for the next exercise.

Rough Perspective: This one is tougher, and I think you nailed it well. There is some wavering in the lines, so make sure to draw more confidently, and make sure that you are drawing from your shoulder. Also, in future warm ups, I would challenge you to use boxes with shorter lengths. You did this a few times in the exercise, but a majority of the boxes have a longer length, which makes it easier to be more accurate to the VP. As you move on to the 250 box challenge, you will have to get use to having a non-visible vanishing point. This is an exercise I recommend practicing or warming up with before doing the 250 box challenge.

Rotated Boxes: This is a pretty tough one, too. Still, you did remarkably on it. You rotated the boxes well. You drew confidently. Some boxes don't look completed, as there are some lines that rae not connected in the back. I wouldn't recommend re-doing this exercise, but keep in mind that as you move along with other lessons, it does help to draw through your forms so you can have a better understanding of how they interact with each other.

Organic Perspective: Once again, good job! You did a good job conveying perspective with the size differences. Plus, I could see that you overlapped a few times with the boxes, another aspect of conveying perspective. I would love to see more of the overlapping with the beginning boxes, and even with the boxes in the middle and end. That is more of a challenge though.

Overall, nicely done! Move on to 250 box challenge, and make sure to practice these exercises as warm ups. Especially plotted and rough perspective. Those will help you better understand the challenge.

Next Steps:

Move on to 250 box challenge

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
1 users agree
7:25 PM, Monday June 20th 2022

Hello, good job on finishing the first lesson !

To begin, I'll say that your lines on the ghosting method only fray on one end of the line, which is good. There's a bit of arching and wobbling in some lines, but this issue can be corrected with practice over time. Sometimes, you also tend to overshoot/undershoot lines, which results in some lines being a bit too short or too long. However, you'll have plenty of time to improve during the 250 boxes challenge.

Some ellipses in planes and in the tables aren't touching the border of the planes.

There's improvement in the funnels, where almost all of the ellipses are in bound of the funnel and next to each other (as a side note, the minor axis (the middle line) is not always everytime, so try to pay attention to it.)

On rough perspectives, lines are well oriented, which is good !

Your rotated boxes looks great ! (The only issue being the boxes not symmetrical to the line going up, but it's a minor problem)

Your lines have less arching in organic perspective, which shows improvement and is a great point.

As a side note, you can use lightweight to show more clearly which side of the box is in the front and in the back, by ghosting once the line you which to emphasize. This technique will be used in the future lessons.

Overall, you did a great job and I'll mark this lesson as complete. Have fun with the 250 boxes !

Next Steps:

The 250 boxes challenge

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
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